Event Date
8th Aug 2024

Jams, Chutneys etc.

Marking Scheme for Preserves 20 Maximum Marks
Container Cover Label Appearance Jar / Bottle etc. Cleanliness, labelling, seal, suitable container & lid, top, stopper. Plain jar, NO trade names. Full date, neat label, new lid / stopper. No sticky fingerprints, old labels or dribbles. Curds must have a cellophane cover with waxed disc.-Marks 2

Colour Quantity Appearance. Bright, typical appearance. Adequately filled. Good, bright colour. No scum, bubbles or cloudiness as applicable. Correctly and sufficiently filled – jams, marmalades, curds & jellies filled to 3 mm, Vinegar preserves (chutney) to 12 mm (½ inch). _ Marks 5

Texture Consistency Quality No tough fruit skins or peel. Correct consistency. - Marks 6

Flavour Aroma Not burnt or caramelised or too vinegary. Vinegar preserves must be matured adequately. True to type of fruit / veg being preserved. Typical of type – no off flavours or smells. - Marks 7
Open Shed
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 1 Jar of Raspberry Jam

Price: £1.00
Class: 2 Jar of Strawberry Jam

Price: £1.00
Class: 3 Jar of Jam, any other single variety

Price: £1.00
Class: 4 Jar of Fruit Curd

Price: £1.00
Class: 5 Jar of Marmalade

Price: £1.00
Class: 6 Jar of Chutney or Pickle, over 2 months old

Price: £1.00
Class: 7 Jar of Pickled Onions

Price: £1.00
Class: 8 Bottle of Lemonade

Price: £1.00


Marking Scheme for Cookery Items 20 Maximum Marks

External Appearance Colour, Shape, Uniformity. Even bake. No soggy bottoms.
No boiling out. (e.g. Pies, Pasties, Quiches). Evidence of well lined tin if applicable. No commercial liners.
Even sizes (if a number of items specified).
No burnt fruit on surface (Scones, Biscuits, Cakes.
No cooking rack marks on top of cake. Marks 4

Internal Appearance Depth of Crust Texture, Distribution of Ingredients.
Good Texture / crumb.
Even distribution of fruit or internal filling.
No soggy areas or bubbles.
Correct filling as schedule. Marks 4

Flavour Aroma Good flavour without over domination of any particular ingredient.
Pleasant aroma, no off smells or staleness.
Adequately spiced / seasoned / sweetened. Marks 12
Open Shed
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 9 4 Pieces of Shortbread

Price: £1.00
Class: 10 4 Chocolate Brownies

Price: £1.00
Class: 11 4 Cheese Scones

Price: £1.00
Class: 12 4 Sausage Rolls

Price: £1.00
Class: 13 Marmalade Cake – Given Recipe.



Marmalade Cake (Taken from Mary Berry's Baking Bible)

40g (1½oz) Red or Natural Glacé Cherries
100g (4oz) Softened Butter
100g (4oz) Caster Sugar
100g (4oz) Sultanas
100g (4oz) Currants
2 Large Eggs, beaten
175gg (6oz) Self-raising Flour
1 Rounded Tablespoon of Chunky Marmalade

TO FINISH: 1 Tablespoon of Chunky Marmalade.

Method: -
1. Pre-heat the oven to 160°c/Fan 140°c/Gas 3. Grease a 900g (2lb) loaf tin then line the base with baking parchment.
2. Cut the cherries into quarters, put in a sieve and rinse, drain well and dry thoroughly on kitchen paper. Measure all the remaining ingredients together in a large bowl, adding the cherries and mix well until blended. Turn into the prepared tin and level the top.
3. Bake in the pre-heated oven for about 1½ hours or until a skewer inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean. Leave to cool in the tin for 10 minutes then turn out, peeling off the parchment and finish cooling on a wire rack.
4. To finish, warm the marmalade in a small pan then spoon over the top of the cake and leave to set.

Price: £1.00
Class: 14 4 Pieces of Bread Pudding.

Price: £1.00
Class: 15 Cherry Cake - Given Recipe


English Cherry Cake (Taken from Mary Berry's Baking Bible)

200g (7oz) Red or Natural Glacé Cherries.
275g (8oz) Self-raising Flour
75g (3oz) Ground Almonds
2 Level teaspoons Baking Powder
225g (8oz) Softened Butter
225g (8oz) Caster Sugar
4 Large Eggs


Method: -

1. Preheat the oven to 160c/Fan140c/Gas 3. Grease a 20cm (8in) deep round cake tin then line the base with baking parchment.
2. Cut the cherries into quarters, put in a sieve and rinse under running water. Drain well then dry thoroughly on kitchen paper.
3. Measure all the remaining ingredients into a large bowl and beat for 1 minute to mix thoroughly. Lightly fold in the cherries. Turn into the prepared tin and level the surface.
4. Bake in the pre-heated oven for 1½ – 1¾ hours or until a skewer inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean. Leave to cool in the tin for 10 minutes then turn out, peeling off the parchment and finish cooling on a wire rack.

Price: £1.00
Class: 16 Mandi's Family Tea Bread- Given Recipe.


Mandi’s Family Tea Bread

Ingredients: 1 lb mixed dried fruit
9oz light brown sugar
½ pint strong tea
1 lb Self Raising flour
1 egg
1 teaspoon mixed spice

Mix together first three ingredients in a bowl, cover and leave overnight.

Next day: Mix in the other ingredients, put in tin, level top and cook for
1 ½ hours at 170’.

Price: £1.00
Class: 17 Jam Swiss Roll

Price: £1.00
Class: 18 2lb hand-made Loaf of Bread, any shape. Please state flour type & any flavouring used.

Price: £1.00
Class: 19 4 Pieces of Gingerbread

Price: £1.00
Class: 20 Novelty Celebration Cake (space 45 x 45 cm) decoration only to be judged. Please specify occasion.

Price: £1.00

Hobbies - Needlework/Craft

Open Shed
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 21 An Item of Sugar-craft

Price: £1.00
Class: 22 A Wreath, any medium. Space allowed is 50 x 50cm

Price: £1.00
Class: 23 A Cot Cover, any medium

Price: £1.00
Class: 24 An Item of Amigurumi Crochet

Price: £1.00
Class: 25 A Patchwork Table Runner

Price: £1.00
Class: 26 A Picture Incorporating Sea Glass. Space allowed is 50 x 50cm

Price: £1.00
Class: 27 An Item of Hand Embroidery. Space allowed is 50 x 50cm

Price: £1.00
Class: 28 A Hand Made Easter Card

Price: £1.00
Class: 29 An Apron

Price: £1.00
Class: 30 Re-purpose an Item of Clothing (Something New from Something Old)

Price: £1.00
Class: 31 A Felted Picture. Space allowed is 50 x 50cm

Price: £1.00
Class: 32 An Item of Hard Craft, Wood or Metal etc.

Price: £1.00


Open Shed
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 33 Novice Still Life Drawing.

Price: £1.00
Class: 34 Novice Watercolour Painting, “Beneath the Waves”.

Price: £1.00
Class: 35 Novice Painting, “Grazing” any medium.

Price: £1.00
Class: 36 Painting, any medium, “A River Runs Through It”.

Price: £1.00
Class: 37 Watercolour Painting including a church.

Price: £1.00
Class: 38 Oil, Acrylic Painting: “Tors”.

Price: £1.00
Class: 39 Sculpture, any medium, to be staged on a table

Price: £1.00

Photography - Unmounted 7 x 5 inches

Open Shed
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 40 Photography Unmounted 7 x 5 inches “Up Close and Personal”

Price: £1.00
Class: 41 Photography Unmounted 7 x 5 inches On the Seashore

Price: £1.00
Class: 42 Photography - Unmounted 7 x 5 inches Nature in the Garden

Price: £1.00
Class: 43 Photography - Unmounted 7 x 5 inches Sport”

Price: £1.00

CHILDREN'S CLASSES 4 years and under on the day of the show

Open Shed
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 44 A Paper Windmill.

Price: £0.50
Class: 45 A Play Dough or Plasticine Cake.

Price: £0.50
Class: 46 A Painted Stone.

Price: £0.50
Class: 47 An Animal Made of Vegetables.

Price: £0.50
Class: 48 A Picture of “Fireworks”. Size A4

Price: £0.50

CHILDREN'S CLASSES 5 - 8 years on the day of the show

Open Shed
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 49 Miniature Garden in a shoe box lid.

Price: £0.50
Class: 50 A Sock Puppet

Price: £0.50
Class: 51 LEGO Model: Animal or Monster (space allowed 30x30cm).

Price: £0.50
Class: 52 Abstract Collage of “Space”. A4 size.

Price: £0.50
Class: 53 Three Rock Buns.

Price: £0.50

CHILDREN'S CLASSES 9 - 12 years on the day of the show

Open Shed
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 54 A Decorated Birthday Card.

Price: £0.50
Class: 55 A Short Story (Maximum 100 words).

Price: £0.50
Class: 56 Sculpture of a Mystical Bird. (Space allowed 40cm x 40cm)

Price: £0.50
Class: 57 Photograph of an insect 7”x 5”.

Price: £0.50
Class: 58 An Abstract Collage made with Natural Materials.

Price: £0.50

CHILDREN'S CLASSES 13 - 16 years on the day of the show

Open Shed
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 59 7”x 5” Photograph: “Historical Okehampton”

Price: £0.50
Class: 60 A Papermache Mask.

Price: £0.50
Class: 61 4 Pieces of Fudge

Price: £0.50
Class: 62 A Short Poem

Price: £0.50
Class: 63 A Wreath made from Natural Materials

Price: £0.50

Family Competition

Open Shed
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 64 “INSIDE THE FISH TANK” made from recycled materials (space allowed 70x70 cm)

Price: £1.50

Company/Organisation Competition

Open Shed
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 65 A SPACESHIP using recycled materials (space allowed 70x70 cm)

Advanced Entries: £1.50
Standard Entries: £0.50

FLOWERS Floral Art - No artificial flowers

Open Shed
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 66 Exhibit: A Table Decoration for a Dartmoor Wedding. (space allowed 50x50x50cm).

Price: £1.00
Class: 67 Exhibit: A matching Corsage and Fascinator to include Feathers.

Price: £1.00
Class: 68 Exhibit: My Favourite Musical (space allowed 60x60x60cm). Please give name of Musical.

Price: £1.00
Class: 69 An Exhibit: Land of the Rising Sun. (space allowed (60x60x60cm).

Price: £1.00
Class: 70 An Exhibit in a Shell, (space allowed 20x20x20cm).

Price: £1.00

Cut Flowers

Open Shed
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 71 Floating Flower-heads.

Price: £1.00
Class: 72 A Single Rose.

Price: £1.00
Class: 73 5 Sweet Peas.

Price: £1.00
Class: 74 3 stems mixed Roses

Price: £1.00
Class: 75 5 Mixed Dahlias.

Price: £1.00
Class: 76 3 Cactus Dahlias.

Price: £1.00
Class: 77 1 Lily Stem.

Price: £1.00
Class: 78 3 Gladioli.

Price: £1.00
Class: 79 3 Hydrangea Heads.

Price: £1.00
Class: 80 3 3 stems of Annuals/Perennials.

Price: £1.00
Class: 81 Vase of mixed garden flowers.

Price: £1.00

Vegetables etc. Please state named variety of vegetable if possible (for interest only).

Open Shed
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 82 Cherry Tomatoes, on the vine

Price: £1.00
Class: 83 4 Tomatoes with calyces, not Cherry

Price: £1.00
Class: 84 A pair of cucumbers

Price: £1.00
Class: 85 3 Beetroot (any colour)

Price: £1.00
Class: 86 5 Runner Beans

Price: £1.00
Class: 87 5 Pods of Peas

Price: £1.00
Class: 88 4 Carrots ( any colour)

Price: £1.00
Class: 89 3 White Onions

Price: £1.00
Class: 90 3 Red Onions

Price: £1.00
Class: 91 3 White Potatoes

Price: £1.00
Class: 92 3 Coloured Potatoes

Price: £1.00
Class: 93 5 French Beans

Price: £1.00
Class: 94 3 Courgettes

Price: £1.00
Class: 95 “Harvest Festival” display,(space allowed 40 x 40 x 50cm)

Price: £1.00
Class: 96 Longest Carrot

Price: £1.00
Class: 97 A Herb growing in a pot (max. 8” diameter top of pot).

Price: £1.00