The Downs Shetland Pony Group Summer Show

Event Date
8th Sep 2024

SPS-BS Affiliated Ring - Registered Standard and Miniature Ponies

Ridden and In hand classes for Registered Standard & Miniature Shetland Ponies

Kindly Sponsored By: Padbrook Stud

Breeder of Registered Miniature Shetland Ponies

Start At, 08/09/2024 09:30
Ring 1
Monsieur Ludovic Durand (Judge)
Class: 1 Leading Rein.


Lead Rein. Rider must have attained their 3rd birthday by the day of the show and not to have attained their 9th birthday on1st January 2024. Ponies must be shown in a suitable snaffle bridle with the reins going directly from the bit to the riders hands. The lead rein must be attached to the noseband only.
SPSBS Rosette to 1st placed
1st and 2nd placed qualify for the Ridden Championship which will take place directly after Class 2 - First Ridden.

Kindly Sponsored By: The Equine Dresser

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£15.00 for non members)
Class: 2 First Ridden


Riders must not have attained their 12th birthday on 1st January 2024. Ponies can be shown in any suitable bridle. Ponies must not be cantered except in individual show.
SPSBS Rosette to 1st placed
1st and 2nd placed will qualify for the Ridden Championship which will be directly after the conclusion of this class.

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£15.00 for non members)
Class: 3 Standard Yearling


Standard Yearling colt or filly.

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£15.00 for non members)
Class: 4 Miniature Yearling


Colt or Filly
G.E.M.S Rosette to the highest placed GEMS Member wearing a 2024 Badge.

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£15.00 for non members)
Class: 5 Standard two year old.


Colt or Filly.

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£15.00 for non members)
Class: 6 Miniature Two year old.


Colt or Filly
G.E.M.S Rosette to the highest placed GEMS Member wearing a 2024 Badge.

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£15.00 for non members)
Class: 7 Three year old Standard


Colt or Filly.

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£15.00 for non members)
Class: 8 Miniature Three year old


Colt or Filly.
G.E.M.S Rosette to the highest placed GEMS Member wearing a 2024 Badge.

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£15.00 for non members)
Class: 9 Standard Mare


Standard mare with or without foal at foot.
Foal to be more than three weeks old.
Best Foal to compete in the Junior & Foal Championship

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£15.00 for non members)
Class: 11 Standard Gelding


Gelding of any age.
1st and 2nd to compete in the Gelding Championships

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£15.00 for non members)
Class: 12 Miniature gelding


Miniature gelding of any age.
1st & 2nd to compete in the Gelding Championship.

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£15.00 for non members)
Class: 13 Standard Stallions


Stallions four years and over.
Stallions are advised to wear Stallion disks on bridle.

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£15.00 for non members)
Class: 14 Miniature Stallion.


Miniature Stallion, four years old and over.
Stallions are advised to wear a stallion disk on their bridle.
G.E.M.S Rosette to the highest placed GEMS Member wearing a 2024 Badge.

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£15.00 for non members)
Class: 10 Miniature Mare


Miniature mare with or without a foal at foot.
Foal to be at least three weeks old.
Best foal to compete in the Foal and Junior Championship
G.E.M.S Rosette to the highest placed GEMS Member wearing a 2024 Badge.

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£15.00 for non members)

Unaffiliated In Hand classes

Unaffiliated In hand classes for registered and unregistered Standard & Miniature Shetland Ponies.
Start At, 08/09/2024 09:30
Ring 2
Miss Fiona McOuat (Judge)
Class: 15 Standard Newcomers


Owners not to have owned or bred Shetland Ponies for more than three years. Ponies any age or gender.

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£14.00 for non members)
Class: 16 Miniature Newcomers


Owners not to have owned or bred Shetland Ponies for more than three years. Ponies any age.

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£14.00 for non members)
Class: 17 Standard Novice Pony


Any age or gender.
Not to have been placed 1st before the closing date.

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£14.00 for non members)
Class: 18 Miniature Novice Pony


Any age or gender.
Not to have been placed 1st before the closing date.

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£14.00 for non members)
Class: 19 Exhibitor bred Miniature or Standard.


Standard or Miniature any age or gender bred by the exhibitor

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£14.00 for non members)
Class: 20 Open Broken Coloured.


Open Broken Coloured
Standard or Miniature.
Any age or gender.

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£14.00 for non members)
Class: 21 Open Solid Colour


Open Solid Colour (NOT Black)
Standard or Miniature
Any age or gender.

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£14.00 for non members)
Class: 22 Open Black


Open Black
Standard or Miniature
Any age or gender.

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£14.00 for non members)
Class: 23 Young Handler


Young Handler. 15 yrs and under.
SPSBS Rosette to 1st placed - Special rosette for under 8 yrs

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£14.00 for non members)
Class: 24 Veteran


Veteran Standard or Miniature pony over the age of 15 years,

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£14.00 for non members)
Class: 25 Progeny


This class is open to groups of two ponies of any age, height or gender, to have been forward in classes 1 – 24.
Standard or Miniature.
a) Two ponies by the same stallion
b) Two ponies out of the same mare

Advanced Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £12.00 (£14.00 for non members)