Class: 1 Small Breeds: 1, 2 or 3 year olds
Block: M&M In-hand Open
Class: 2 Large Breeds: 1, 2 or 3 year olds
Class: 3 Small Breeds: 4 years & over
Class: 4 Large Breed: 4 years & over
Class: 5 Home Produced Small Breeds: Any age
Block: M&M Home Produced In-hand
Class: 6 Home Produced Large Breeds: Any age
Class: 21 Junior ridden not exceeding 148cm riders 16 and under. Open to any breed/type
Block: Unaffiliated ridden classes
Class: 22 Very novice ridden walk and trot. Canter optional in individual show. Open to any breed/type
Class: 23 Open ridden pony not exceeding 148cm. Open to any breed/type
Class: 24 Open ridden horse exceeding 148cm. Open to any breed/type