Event Date
5th Jun to 7th Jun 2025

Event Description

There’s something for every member of the family at the Royal Cornwall Show. It’s the county’s biggest annual event and is brim-full of exhibits and activities which offer so much in the way of entertainment, competition, information, shopping and all that’s best in food and farming. It's a time and place to meet old friends, conduct business, enjoy Cornwall in all its glory and to welcome thousands of visitors from outside our county. More than two centuries later our aim is to keep raising the standard. It's good for agriculture, good for tourism, good for the economy, the environment and good for the soul!
This is a top agricultural show which attracts increasing numbers of animals, entered into the hundreds of classes which are refined each year. And year on year people travel from further and further afield in the hope of coming away with an award. The livestock sections at the Royal Cornwall Show provide hot competition with some of the very best of the UK's stock on show with competitors travelling from far and wide. These sections and classes are at the heart of the Royal Cornwall Show - one of the top ranking agricultural events in the whole of the country. Whether it be in cattle, sheep, pigs, goats and equine classes, or in the rabbit, pigeon, dog or rare breed sections, a top flower show and thriving countryside area - even bees get noticed here!
Whatever your interest, we aim to make you very welcome here.





