Class: 1 Two jars of Light Run Honey
Class: 2 Two jars of Medium Run Honey
Class: 3 Two jars of Dark Run Honey
Class: 4 Two jars of Naturally Crystallised Honey (not stirred)
Class: 5 Two jars of Soft Set Honey
Class: 6 Two cartons of Cut Comb Honey, not less than 200 gm (7 oz)
Class: 7 One Shallow Frame - suitable for extraction
Class: 8 One Cake of Beeswax - 200 to 255 gms (7 - 9 ozs) and at least 19mm (3/4in) thick
Class: 9 Four blocks of Beeswax 28 gms (1 oz) in weight
Class: 10 Three Beeswax Candles - dipped or moulded, but all the same