Class: 1 Colt, filly or gelding 2 years old and under
Class: 2 Colt, filly or gelding 3 years old and over
Class: 3 Colt, filly or gelding 2 years old and under
Class: 4 Colt, filly or gelding 3 years old an dover
Class: 5 Colt, filly or gelding 2 years old and under
Class: 6 Colt, filly or gelding 3 years old and over
Class: 7 Colt, filly or gelding 2 years old and under
Class: 8 Colt, filly or gelding 3 years old and over
Class: 9 Colt, filly or gelding 2 years old and under
Class: 10 Colt, filly or gelding 3 years old and over