This is one of the UKs largest Harvest Pavilions and it’s a true celebration of growing your own, with the The Grow to Show section attracting over 1,700 entries.
The Show benches really are an impressive sight, brimming with an array of produce grown by passionate gardeners and professional horticulturalists alike.
The Harvest Pavilion also plays host to National Plant Societies who are keen to share their passion and gives tips and advice on growing the perfect specimen.
This year, in the Harvest Pavilion, visitors can find:
• Growing tips and talks from National Plant Societies
• Grow to Show competitions with over 175 classes of cut flowers, vegetables, fruit, alpines succulents and pot plants
• The National Vegetable Society Midlands Regional Championships
• British Fuchsia Society celebrates their 85th anniversay
• Vegetable Trug National Championships