Amateur Adults Competition

Art & Photography Marquee
Mr Charlie Waite (Judge)
Class: 1 Macro - An extreme close up


An extreme close up - Photographs must be framed properly. The size of the frame should not exceed 60cm x 50cm for a landscape or portrait and 50cm x 50cm for a square. Each frame must have a hanging cord attached. The cord should not be visible when hung and should be strong enough to bare the weight of the frame.

Prizes: 1st - £15, 2nd - £10 and 3rd - £5

Price: £3.00
Class: 2 Architectural - Rural or Urban


Rural or Urban Architecture - Photographs must be framed properly. The size of the frame should not exceed 60cm x 50cm for a landscape or portrait and 50cm x 50cm for a square. Each frame must have a hanging cord attached. The cord should not be visible when hung and should be strong enough to bare the weight of the frame.

Prizes: 1st - £15, 2nd - £10 and 3rd - £5

Price: £3.00
Class: 3 Rural Landscape or Seascape


Rural Landscape or Seascape - Photographs must be framed properly. The size of the frame should not exceed 60cm x 50cm for a landscape or portrait and 50cm x 50cm for a square. Each frame must have a hanging cord attached. The cord should not be visible when hung and should be strong enough to bare the weight of the frame.

Prizes: 1st - £15, 2nd - £10 and 3rd - £5

Price: £3.00
Class: 4 Black & White - any subject


Black & White: Photographs must be framed properly. The size of the frame should not exceed 60cm x 50cm for a landscape or portrait and 50cm x 50cm for a square. Each frame must have a hanging cord attached. The cord should not be visible when hung and should be strong enough to bare the weight of the frame.

Prizes: 1st - £15, 2nd - £10 and 3rd - £5

Price: £3.00

Amateur Under 16's

Art & Photography Marquee
Mr Charlie Waite (Judge)
Class: 5 Under 16's - any class


Macro, Architectural, Rural Landscape, Black & White - Photographs must be framed properly. The size of the frame should not exceed 60cm x 50cm for a landscape or portrait and 50cm x 50cm for a square. Each frame must have a hanging cord attached. The cord should not be visible when hung and should be strong enough to bare the weight of the frame.

Prizes: 1st - £15, 2nd - £10 and 3rd - £5

Price: £3.00