Handicraft, Horticulture and Cookery - Ringside Handicraft, Horticulture and Cookery Marquee

Class Number Entries Started At
Devon Apple Cake - Set Recipe 1 1
A Cake Incorporating Beetroot -Any Recipe 2 1
3 Beetroot 32
6 Home-Produced Eggs 42 3
An Arrangement -Using Foliage Only 18
A Victoria Sandwich Cake - MEN ONLY -Raspberry Jam Filling, Caster Sugar on Top 17
Coloured Photograph: "My Favourite Season" 43 3
An Item of Hand Knitting 47 3
A Jar of Jam 13
A Miniature Bottle of Flavoured Gin 12
An Exhibit to Represent "Make Do and Mend" 54 1
A Decorated Wooden Spoon 55 3
4 Chocolate Cornflake Cakes 56 3
4 Chocolate Brownies 63 2
A Coloured Photograph: "My Hobby" (6"x4" max) 70 1
An Item of Crochet 48 2
Coloured Photograph: "The Coast" 44 5
An Arrangement of Grasses in a Jam Jar 57 2
A Flower Arrangement in a Tin Can 64 3
3 Courgettes 33
A Decorated Pebble 71 1
A Jug of Mixed Garden Flowers 23
A Jar of Lemon Curd 14 1
A Loaf of Bread Made in Bread Maker: Any Recipe - To be named 3
An Arrangement -Based on Your Favourite Book - Book To Be Displayed Alongside 19 2
An Item of Sewing 49 1
5 Stems of Sweet Peas in a Vase 24
4 Devon Cut Rounds 4
An Item of Batik (no larger than A4) 65 2
An Item of Batik (no larger than A4) 58 1
Coloured Photograph: "My Pet(s)" 45 5
A Jar of Marmalade 15 1
1 Lettuce 34
An Arrangement of Flowers in a Basket 20
3 Onions - From Seed or Sets 35
A Friendship Bracelet 59 1
A Painting or Drawing, Any Medium, Maximum Size A4, Excluding Frame 50 2
Black and White Photograph: Any Subject 46 5
A Miniature Exhibit -Max Size: 10cm x 10cm x 10cm 21 2
A Jar of Chutney 16 1
A Fuchsia Head Floating in a Wine Glass 25
4 Savoury Scones - To be named 5 1
A Friendship Bracelet 66 3
A Handmade Coaster 67 3
4 Decorated Fairy Cakes 6 4
A Bowl of Floating Flower Heads 22
3 Stems of Perennials 26
3 Potatoes - One Variety 36
A Greetings Card 51 2
A Painting or Drawing of a Vehicle (A4 size with name clearly on back) 60 2
Seed(s) Growing in a Pot 68 2
An Animal Made From Fruit and/or Vegetables 61 2
3 Stems of Annuals 27
4 Pieces of Flapjack 7 1
Peas or Mangetout or Sugar Snap - 6 Pods 37
Something New from Something Old 52 2
4 Sausage Rolls 8 1
Flowering Shrub - 1 Stem 28
An Animal Made from Lego (not a kit) 69 4
3 Tomatoes 38
Cress Grown in an Eggshell 62 4
An Item of Craft Not Specified in Classes 47-51 53 1
An Individual Rose 29 2
1 Cucumber 39
3 Stalks Rhubarb 40
A Cactus or Succulent- Max Pot Size 20cm Diameter 30
Dahlias, 3 Blooms, One or More Varieties 31
A Bunch (Tied) of Mixed Herbs in a Jam Jar 41 2
4 Cookies -To be named 9 3
6 Chocolate Truffles -To be named 10
An Individual Treacle Tart 11