
Cookery Classes 1 -11
Start At, 29/07/2024 07:00
Handicraft, Horticulture and Cookery Marquee
Alison Gribble (Judge), Christine Walters (Judge)
Class: 1 Devon Apple Cake - Set Recipe


Set Recipe -Devon Apple Cake (Class 1)
450g/16oz Cooking Apples
225g/8oz Plain Flour
115g/4oz Sugar
115g/4oz Butter
2 Eggs
1 ½ level tsp Baking Powder
½ level tsp Cinnamon
Pinch of Salt
30g/1oz caster/Soft Brown Sugar for topping off

Preheat oven to 230°C / 450°F /gas 8 (adjust for Fan Ovens)
and grease a 18-20cm/7-8in cake tin

Peel and core the apples and cut into various sized rough pieces.
(You should have about 350g/ 12 oz)
Sift flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt into a bowl and rub in the butter until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Stir in the sugar and then work in the eggs. Add the apple and mix in well.
Turn the mixture into the baking tin.
Sprinkle the 30g/1oz of sugar on the top and bake for 50-60 mins until golden brown.
If the top starts to brown too quickly, cover the top of the tin with foil removing it a few
minutes before the end.
Leave to cool in tin for 10 min before placing on a wire rack.
If the base appears a little too moist you can place the cake back in the oven, upside down,
and allow to dry a little.

Price: £0.30
Class: 2 A Cake Incorporating Beetroot -Any Recipe

Price: £0.30
Class: 3 A Loaf of Bread Made in Bread Maker: Any Recipe - To be named

Price: £0.30
Class: 4 4 Devon Cut Rounds

Price: £0.30
Class: 5 4 Savoury Scones - To be named

Price: £0.30
Class: 6 4 Decorated Fairy Cakes

Price: £0.30
Class: 7 4 Pieces of Flapjack

Price: £0.30
Class: 8 4 Sausage Rolls

Price: £0.30
Class: 9 4 Cookies -To be named

Price: £0.30
Class: 10 6 Chocolate Truffles -To be named

Price: £0.30
Class: 11 An Individual Treacle Tart

Price: £0.30


Class 12
Start At, 29/07/2024 07:00
Handicraft, Horticulture and Cookery Marquee
Show President (Judge)
Class: 12 A Miniature Bottle of Flavoured Gin

Price: £0.30


Preserves Classes 13-16
Start At, 29/07/2024 07:00
Handicraft, Horticulture and Cookery Marquee
Alison Gribble (Judge), Christine Walters (Judge)
Class: 13 A Jar of Jam

Price: £0.30
Class: 14 A Jar of Lemon Curd

Price: £0.30
Class: 15 A Jar of Marmalade

Price: £0.30
Class: 16 A Jar of Chutney

Price: £0.30

Men's Cookery

Class 17
Cookery For Men Only
Start At, 29/07/2024 07:00
Handicraft, Horticulture and Cookery Marquee
Alison Gribble (Judge), Christine Walters (Judge)
Class: 17 A Victoria Sandwich Cake - MEN ONLY -Raspberry Jam Filling, Caster Sugar on Top

Price: £0.30

Floral Art

Classes 18-22
Start At, 29/07/2024 07:00
Handicraft, Horticulture and Cookery Marquee
Sally Wilson (Judge)
Class: 18 An Arrangement -Using Foliage Only

Price: £0.30
Class: 19 An Arrangement -Based on Your Favourite Book - Book To Be Displayed Alongside

Price: £0.30
Class: 20 An Arrangement of Flowers in a Basket

Price: £0.30
Class: 21 A Miniature Exhibit -Max Size: 10cm x 10cm x 10cm

Price: £0.30
Class: 22 A Bowl of Floating Flower Heads

Price: £0.30

Flowers and Pot Plants

Classes 23-31
Start At, 29/07/2024 07:00
Handicraft, Horticulture and Cookery Marquee
Mr Brian Wannacott (Judge)
Class: 23 A Jug of Mixed Garden Flowers

Price: £0.30
Class: 24 5 Stems of Sweet Peas in a Vase

Price: £0.30
Class: 25 A Fuchsia Head Floating in a Wine Glass

Price: £0.30
Class: 26 3 Stems of Perennials

Price: £0.30
Class: 27 3 Stems of Annuals

Price: £0.30
Class: 28 Flowering Shrub - 1 Stem

Price: £0.30
Class: 29 An Individual Rose

Price: £0.30
Class: 30 A Cactus or Succulent- Max Pot Size 20cm Diameter

Price: £0.30
Class: 31 Dahlias, 3 Blooms, One or More Varieties

Price: £0.30

Vegetables And Herbs

Classes 32-41
Start At, 29/07/2024 07:00
Handicraft, Horticulture and Cookery Marquee
Mr Brian Wannacott (Judge)
Class: 32 3 Beetroot

Price: £0.30
Class: 33 3 Courgettes

Price: £0.30
Class: 34 1 Lettuce

Price: £0.30
Class: 35 3 Onions - From Seed or Sets

Price: £0.30
Class: 36 3 Potatoes - One Variety

Price: £0.30
Class: 37 Peas or Mangetout or Sugar Snap - 6 Pods

Price: £0.30
Class: 38 3 Tomatoes

Price: £0.30
Class: 39 1 Cucumber

Price: £0.30
Class: 40 3 Stalks Rhubarb

Price: £0.30
Class: 41 A Bunch (Tied) of Mixed Herbs in a Jam Jar

Price: £0.30


Class 42
Start At, 29/07/2024 07:00
Handicraft, Horticulture and Cookery Marquee
Alison Gribble (Judge), Christine Walters (Judge)
Class: 42 6 Home-Produced Eggs



Price: £0.30


Classes 43-46
Photographs exhibited in Classes 43-46 must be taken by the exhibitor, have no mount and must not exceed 6"x4".
Start At, 29/07/2024 07:00
Handicraft, Horticulture and Cookery Marquee
Tina Smith (Judge)
Class: 43 Coloured Photograph: "My Favourite Season"

Price: £0.30
Class: 44 Coloured Photograph: "The Coast"

Price: £0.30
Class: 45 Coloured Photograph: "My Pet(s)"

Price: £0.30
Class: 46 Black and White Photograph: Any Subject

Price: £0.30


Classes 47-53
Start At, 29/07/2024 07:00
Handicraft, Horticulture and Cookery Marquee
Pat Mallett (Judge)
Class: 47 An Item of Hand Knitting

Price: £0.30
Class: 48 An Item of Crochet

Price: £0.30
Class: 49 An Item of Sewing

Price: £0.30
Class: 50 A Painting or Drawing, Any Medium, Maximum Size A4, Excluding Frame

Price: £0.30
Class: 51 A Greetings Card

Price: £0.30
Class: 52 Something New from Something Old

Price: £0.30
Class: 53 An Item of Craft Not Specified in Classes 47-51

Price: £0.30

Women's Institute Class 54

Women's Institute Class 54
Start At, 29/07/2024 07:00
Handicraft, Horticulture and Cookery Marquee
Caroline North (Judge), Ruth Maile (Judge), Sally Wilson (Judge)
Class: 54 An Exhibit to Represent "Make Do and Mend"


Women's Institute Class:
To Include:
A Decorated Cake - To Be Judged on Decoration Only
An Arrangement of Flowers in a Recycled Container
A Potato Plate Pasty, A Bottle of Ginger Beer
An Item of Craft Made from Something Recycled
A Poster Depicting Make Do and Mend

Price: £3.00


Class 55
Start At, 29/07/2024 07:00
Handicraft, Horticulture and Cookery Marquee
Jo-Ann Middleton (Judge)
Class: 55 A Decorated Wooden Spoon

Price: £0.10

7 Years And Under

Children's Classes: 7 Years And Under
Classes 56-62
Start At, 29/07/2024 07:00
Handicraft, Horticulture and Cookery Marquee
Jo-Ann Middleton (Judge)
Class: 56 4 Chocolate Cornflake Cakes

Price: £0.10
Class: 57 An Arrangement of Grasses in a Jam Jar

Price: £0.10
Class: 58 An Item of Batik (no larger than A4)

Price: £0.10
Class: 59 A Friendship Bracelet

Price: £0.10
Class: 60 A Painting or Drawing of a Vehicle (A4 size with name clearly on back)

Price: £0.10
Class: 61 An Animal Made From Fruit and/or Vegetables

Price: £0.10
Class: 62 Cress Grown in an Eggshell

Price: £0.10

8-12 Years

Children's Entries: 8-12 Years
Classes 63-69
Start At, 29/07/2024 07:00
Handicraft, Horticulture and Cookery Marquee
Jo-Ann Middleton (Judge)
Class: 63 4 Chocolate Brownies

Price: £0.10
Class: 64 A Flower Arrangement in a Tin Can

Price: £0.10
Class: 65 An Item of Batik (no larger than A4)

Price: £0.10
Class: 66 A Friendship Bracelet

Price: £0.10
Class: 67 A Handmade Coaster

Price: £0.10
Class: 68 Seed(s) Growing in a Pot

Price: £0.10
Class: 69 An Animal Made from Lego (not a kit)

Price: £0.10

13-16 Years

Children's Classes: 13-16 Years
Classes 70-71
Start At, 29/07/2024 07:00
Handicraft, Horticulture and Cookery Marquee
Jo-Ann Middleton (Judge)
Class: 70 A Coloured Photograph: "My Hobby" (6"x4" max)

Price: £0.10
Class: 71 A Decorated Pebble

Price: £0.10