Please find below the trade options available for the Liskeard Show.
Further information can be found under 'Download Documents'.
Please contact the show directly
for any
Catering Tender Form. This is just a tender form, All tenders to be received by the 1st March. We will contact you asap after this date to confirm or decline.
Open grass pitches, 6m depth (9m agricultural related stands)
Trade Stand Space within the Cornish Food & Drink Marquee 1.8m depth
Trade space within the Craft & Community Marquee 4 metres deep. Please note: To be eligible for a stand in the Craft & Community marquee you must be a community focused service or a charity and at least 50% of all saleable products are to have been crafted by yourself.
Trade space within the Lifestyle Marquee. All stands 2 metres deep.