Please find below the trade options available for the 2025 Ryedale Show.
Further information can be found under 'Download Documents'.
Please contact the show directly
for any
All pitches are 12m deep with prices dictated by frontage. For full details please visit or view the "Terms and Conditions" included within the booking process.
If this is your first time exhibiting at Ryedale Show, please use this option to make an initial stand booking. The organisers will then review your booking and either accept or refund your booking, based on space and suitability, from 1st March 2025. All pitches are 12m deep with prices dictated by frontage. For full details please visit or view the "Terms and Conditions" included within the booking process.
FOR EXHIBITORS WHO NEED TO PAY BY INVOICE ONLY. All pitches are 12m deep with prices dictated by frontage. For full details please visit or view the "Terms and Conditions" included within the booking process.