Young Handler entries made at the show.
*Please note the full prize money allocation is subject to animals entered in each class, as per schedule.
Provisional Pig Judging Programme
All breeds: Duroc/Hampshire/Pietrain Gloucester Old Spot Berkshire
Landrace Large Black Middle White
Large White Oxford Sandy & Black Tamworth
Welsh British Lop British Saddleback
Kune Kune/Magalitza
Rings: Three rings in operation
Times: Judging commencing at 9:30am, 11:30am and 2:00pm
FRIDAY 10:00am Interbreed Championships
Pig of the Year Qualifiers
Young Pig of the Year Qualifiers
4:00pm Grand Parade
6.30pm Tug-O-War – Sheep Lines
Stockmens’ Supper
SATURDAY 10:00am Young Handler
2:30pm Grand Parade