Event Date
19th Jun to 20th Jun 2024

Show Description

SHEEP Section - 2024

The Lincolnshire Show has competitions for sheep from purebred and commercial flocks, also Fleece and Young Handler Competitions.
The two sheep marquees are either side of the Judging Rings.
This enables both MV accredited and non-MV accredited flocks to take part in some breed classes.

Lincolnshire Agricultural Society's County Parish Holding Number is 24/654/8003 for paper or online movement of sheep: https://cla.livestockinformation.org.uk/

The Advanced Closing Date for entries is Wednesday 1st May 2024
After this date - The increased livestock entry fee (£1/entry) is in place for entries up to Final closing date -Wednesday 15th May 2024

Full detail of ALL classes may be seen in the Livestock Schedule

Event Summary
  • Advanced Entries Close
    Thu 2 May 2024 11:59pm
  • Entries Close
    Wed 15 May 2024 11:59pm
  • Entry Fee
    £0.00 - £25.00
  • Location
    Lincolnshire Showground,
    LN2 2NA