SWA Summer Medal Show - Ringside Ring 2

Class Number Entries Started At
1 2 or 3 years old Colt Filly or Gelding (Special rosette for highest placed yearling and Welsh P/B) 28 2 26/06/2022 09:59
4 years or over. Stallion mare or gelding. (Special rosette for highest placed Welsh P/B) 29 2 26/06/2022 09:59
Small M&M Breeds. 1 2 or 3 years old colt filly or gelding. 30 5 26/06/2022 09:59
Small M&M Breeds. 4 years or over. Stallion mare or gelding. 31 2 26/06/2022 09:59
Large M&M Breeds. 1 2 or 3 years old. Colt filly or gelding. 32 5 26/06/2022 09:59
Large M&M Breeds. 4 years & over. Stallion mare or gelding. 33 5 26/06/2022 09:59
NPS Cuddington Stud Mountain & Moorland In Hand Silver Medal Rosette Championship CH14 8 26/06/2022 09:59
NPS in hand championship CH 14 8 26/06/2022 09:59
Small Breeds. Stallion mare or gelding any age. 34 5 26/06/2022 09:59
Large Breeds. stallion mare or gelding. Any age. 35 6 26/06/2022 09:59
M&M Leading Rein. 4 years and over. 36 1 26/06/2022 09:59
NPS/Picton. Welsh sections A&B 41 1 26/06/2022 09:59
M&M First Ridden. Mares or Geldings 4 years or over. 37 26/06/2022 09:59
NPS/Picton. Welsh sections C&D. 42 2 26/06/2022 09:59
Robinson Junior Ridden. Dales, Fell, Highland, New Forest, Connemara, Welsh D. 38 1 26/06/2022 09:59
Dartmoor , Exmoor, Shetland, Welsh A and Welsh B. 43 1 26/06/2022 09:59
Robinson Junior Ridden not exc 138cm. 39 2 26/06/2022 09:59
Connemara, Dales, Fell, Highland, New Forest, Welsh C and D. 44 6 26/06/2022 09:59
NPS/Robinson Small Breeds. Riders under 14 years. 40 1 26/06/2022 09:59