Southern Shetland Pony Group Logo

Southern Shetland Pony Group SPSBS Bronze Medal Spring Show.

Event Date
6th Apr 2025

Junior classes

Classes for Shetland ponies three years and under register with the Shetland Pony Stud Book Society.
Ring One
Mrs C, A Cozens-Cook (Ride & Conformation Judge)
Class: 1 Miniature Shetland Yearling Colt, Filly or Gelding


Miniature shetland yearling; open to colt, filly or gelding
Snelsmore Stud has kindly offered a best gelding rosette to the highest placed gelding which qualifies you for the Gelding Championship.

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 2 Standard Shetland Yearling; Colt, Filly or Gelding


Standard shetland yearling open to colt, filly or gelding.
Pat and Peter of Lionheart stud have kindly donated a special rosette for the highest placed chestnut pony in this class. Team Sylvandene has kindly offered a best gelding rosette to the highest placed gelding, which qualifies you for the Gelding Championship.

Kindly sponsored by: Team Sylvandene

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 3 Miniature Shetland Two year-old; Colt, Filly or Gelding


Miniature two year-old open to colt, filly or gelding.
Snelsmore Stud has kindly offered a best gelding rosette to the highest placed gelding, which qualifies you for the Gelding Championship.
Two year-old colts must be bitted according to SPSBS rules.

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 4 Standard Shetland Two year-old; Colt, Filly or Gelding


Standard two year-old shetland, open to colt filly or gelding.
Pat and Peter of Lionheart stud have kindly donated a special rosette for the highest placed chestnut pony in this class.
Team Sylvandene has kindly offered a best gelding rosette to the highest placed gelding, which qualifies you for the Gelding Championship.
Two year-old colts must be bitted according to SPSBS rules.

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 5 Miniature Shetland Three year-old; Colt, Filly or Gelding


Miniature three year-old open to colt, filly or gelding.
Snelsmore Stud has kindly offered a best gelding rosette to the highest placed gelding, which qualifies you for the Gelding Championship.
Three year-old colts must be bitted according to SPSBS rules.

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 6 Standard Shetland Three year-old; Colt, Filly or Gelding


Standard three year-old shetland, open to colt filly or gelding.
Pat and Peter of Lionheart stud have kindly donated a special rosette for the highest placed chestnut pony in this class.
Team Sylvandene has kindly offered a best gelding rosette to the highest placed gelding, which qualifies you for the Gelding Championship.
Three year-old colts must be bitted according to SPSBS rules.

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)

Senior Classes

Classes for Shetland ponies four years and over register with the Shetland Pony Stud Book Society.
Ring One
Mrs C, A Cozens-Cook
Class: 7 Miniature Shetland Gelding


Miniature shetland gelding, four years and over.
Snelsmore Stud has kindly offered a best gelding rosette to the highest placed gelding, which qualifies you for the Gelding Championship.

Kindly sponsored by: Milkyway stud

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 8 Standard Shetland Gelding


Standard shetland gelding, four years and over.
Pat and Peter of Lionheart stud have kindly donated a special rosette for the highest placed chestnut pony in this class.
Team Sylvandene has kindly offered a best gelding rosette to the highest placed gelding, which qualifies you for the Gelding Championship.

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 9 Miniature Shetland Mare


Miniature shetland mare, four years and over.

Kindly sponsored by: The Downs Shetland Pony Group

The DSPG is situated in the South East area but welcome members from all areas. Our very friendly Shetland group was formed in February 2011 to promote our ponies, we aim to hold Socials, Shows, Lunches, Stud Visit.
If you would like to become a member that allows you to get all the latest information first and cheaper show entries please visit

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 10 Standard Shetland Mare


Standard Shetland Mare, four years and over.
Pat and Peter of Lionheart stud have kindly donated a special rosette for the highest placed chestnut pony in this class.

Kindly sponsored by: Buxted Stud

Buxted Stud have been breeding and showing Shetland ponies for over 30 years. Both miniature and standard ponies with lovely heads, good temperament, and correct conformation. Even though breeding ponies of all colours they are best know for Bright Bay, Piebald, Black and Bay ponies.

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 11 Miniature Shetland Stallion


Miniature shetland stallion four years and over
Tracey Basta has kindly presented a stallion bridle disc for the winner of this class.
Stallions must be bitted according to SPSBS rules and we recommend a stallion bridle disc.

Kindly sponsored by: Tracey Basta of Equine Bridle Disc

Original makers & designers of fabric bridle discs made with various fabric overlays and real leather.
Please visit

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 12 Standard Shetland Stallion


Standard shetland stallion four years and over.
Pat and Peter of Lionheart stud have kindly donated a special rosette for the highest placed chestnut pony in this class.
Tracey Basta has kindly presented a stallion bridle disc for the winner of this class.
Stallions must be bitted according to SPSBS rules and we recommend a stallion bridle disc.

Kindly sponsored by: Tracey Basta of Equine Bridle Disc

Original makers & designers of fabric bridle discs made with various fabric overlays and real leather.
Please visit

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)

Young handlers classes

Classes for young handles which qualifies them for the young handlers Championship.

Kindly sponsored by: Mandy Sargeant of Champlers Stud

Ring One
Mrs C, A Cozens-Cook
Class: 15 Young Handler 10 years old and under


Open to children 10 years old and under.
Children must have a up to standard riding hat & proper footwear along with an assistant in the ring or someone ready run in to help if needed.
Rosettes to all children.
Mrs Daphne Pickett of Champlers stud, would kindly like to gift a rosette to the best child handler five years and under.
Mandy Sargeant of Champlers Stud has kindly given each competitor in this class a gold medal.

Kindly sponsored by: Mandy Sargeant Champlers Stud

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 16 Young Handler 11 to 17 years old


Open to children 11 to 17 years
Rosettes to all children.
Mandy Sargeant of Champlers Stud has kindly given each competitor in this class a gold medal.

Kindly sponsored by: Mandy Sargeant of the Champlers Stud

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)

The Shetland Performance Awards Ridden Shetland classes

Ridden Shetland classes
Champion and Reserve Champion are eligible for the SPSBS Supreme Championship sponsored by Omega Equine.

Kindly sponsored by: The Shetland Performance Awards

Shetland Performance Awards has three different annual performance schemes, the 'Ridden Awards Scheme' where points are accrued for both ponies and riders through recognising participation and achievements in a wide variety of activities, competitive disciplines and organised events. ​​​The 'Inhand Awards Scheme' which focuses on the showing of the breed in these classes and the 'Driven Awards Scheme'.

Ring One
Mrs C, A Cozens-Cook
Class: 17 Lead Rein Shetland


Open to mares, geldings 4 years & over, riders 9 years & under - see rules 11,12,14c,15,16,17 & 18

Kindly sponsored by: The Shetland Performance Awards.

The Shetland Performance Awards has kindly sponsored this championship and gifted a special rosette also a free entry into the Shetland Performance Awards 2024 to our Champion and Reserve

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 18 First Ridden Shetland


Open to mares and geldings 4 years & over, riders 12 years & under - see rules 11,12,14c,15,16,17 & 18

Kindly sponsored by: The Shetland Performance Awards.

The Shetland Performance Awards has kindly sponsored this championship and gifted a special rosette also a free entry into the Shetland Performance Awards 2024 to our Champion and Reserve.

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 19 Open Ridden Shetland


Open to stallions, mares & geldings, riders may be asked to canter around together - see rules 11,12,14c,15,16,17 & 18

Kindly sponsored by: The Shetland Performance Awards.

The Shetland Performance Awards has kindly sponsored this championship and gifted a special rosette also a free entry into the Shetland Performance Awards 2024 to our Champion and Reserve.

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)

Open Classes

Open classes for registered and unregistered Miniature and Standard Shetland ponies
Showing Scene Ring Two
Mr Lee Rogers (Conformation Judge)

Kindly sponsored by: Showing Scene - Showing Made Easy
Showing Scene is a market leader in show management and now also provides e-ticketing services. It is one of the few systems that does not charge exhibitors a booking fee. It’s quick, efficient and gives all our users more time to do the things that really matter!

Class: 20 Intermediate Shetland


Registered or unregistered miniature or standard shetland male/female four to six years of age.
(May split if entries warrant)
MHCGB Hampshire Area Miniature Horse and Shetland show has kindly offered the best gelding rosette, which qualifies you for the Gelding Championship.
Hampshire Area MHCGB DBS and Open charity show on 7th of July at Wickham, PO17 5HE has kindly sponsored this class.

Kindly sponsored by: Hampshire Area MHCGB DBS and Open charity show

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 21 Open Veteran Shetland


Registered or unregistered veteran pony miniature or standard shetland fifteen-years and over, open to any gender.
Pat and Peter of Lionheart stud have have kindly donated a special set of rosettes for our veteran class. A sash for the winner and a rosette for the oldest combination of pony and handler.
MHCGB Hampshire Area Miniature Horse and Shetland show has kindly offered the best gelding rosette, which qualifies you for the Gelding Championship.

Kindly sponsored by: Lionheart stud

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 22 Progeny Pair class


This class is a fun class for a pair of registered or unregistered ponies standard or miniature open to any age or gender.
Does not qualify for any championship
They can be by the same sire or out of the same dam also a stallion with his offspring and a mare and her offspring.
Breamore Show 29th June 2025 has kindly sponsored this class.

Kindly sponsored by: The Breamore Show, 29th June 2025, held at Rally Field, Breamore, SP6 2DD, schedule can be found on

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 23 Owner Bred Shetland


Registered or unregistered standard or miniature shetland pony bred by their owner, open to any age or gender.
MHCGB Hampshire Area Miniature Horse and Shetland show has kindly offered the best gelding rosette, which qualifies you for the Gelding Championship.

Kindly sponsored by: Lynda Rowland.

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 24 Open Solid Colour Shetland


Registered or unregistered solid colour standard or miniature shetland including black, open to any age and gender.
MHCGB Hampshire Area Miniature Horse and Shetland show has kindly offered the best gelding rosette, which qualifies you for the Gelding Championship.

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 25 Open Broken Colour Shetland


Registered or unregistered broken coloured standard or miniature shetland, open to any age and gender.
MHCGB Hampshire Area Miniature Horse and Shetland show has kindly offered the best gelding rosette, which qualifies you for the Gelding Championship.

Kindly sponsored by: The Breamore Show

The Breamore Show, 25th June 2023, held at Rally Field, Breamore, SP6 2DD, schedule can be found on

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 26 Novice Shetland; Open to any age or gender.


Registered or unregistered novice pony not having won a first prize up to two week before the show.
Open to Miniature and Standard ponies. (May split if entries warrant)

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 27 Three years & under Shetland


Registered or unregistered Miniature and Standard Shetland male/female.
(May split if entries warrant)
MHCGB Hampshire Area Miniature Horse and Shetland show has kindly offered the best gelding rosette, which qualifies you for the Gelding Championship.

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 28 Four years & over Shetland


Registered or unregistered Miniature & Standard Shetland male/female.
(May split if entries warrant)
MHCGB Hampshire Area Miniature Horse and Shetland show has kindly offered the best gelding rosette, which qualifies you for the Gelding Championship.

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)


Classes for registered and unregister Miniature and Standard driving ponies.
Showing Scene Ring Two
Mr Lee Rogers

Kindly sponsored by: Showing Scene - Showing Made Easy
Showing Scene is a market leader in show management and now also provides e-ticketing services. It is one of the few systems that does not charge exhibitors a booking fee. It’s quick, efficient and gives all our users more time to do the things that really matter!

Class: 29 Newcomers Driving


Registered or unregistered standard and miniature shetland ponies.
The newcomers class is intended for those starting out in driving. Open to exhibitors who have been driving shetland ponies for less than three years.
Southern Carriage Driving Club has kindly sponsored this class giving 1st to 6th placed rosettes to our drivers.

Kindly sponsored by: Headon Down Shetland Stud

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)
Class: 30 Open Driving


Single, pairs, tandem or unicorn to a private or exercise vehicle. Show or trade vehicles are not permitted.
Southern Carriage Driving Club has kindly sponsored this class giving 1st to 6th placed rosettes to our drivers.

Kindly sponsored by: Headon Down Shetland Stud

Advanced Entries: £8.00 (£10.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £10.00 (£12.00 for non members)