Champion Non Pedigree and Crossbred Exhibit |
S.369. |
Heifer Calf, under 8 months old on day of the Show |
358 |
JUNIOR HEIFER, born on or after 1st January 2021 |
359 |
HEIFER, in milk |
360. |
COW, in-calf, born in or before 2017. |
361. |
COW, in-milk, second or third calver |
362. |
COW, in-milk, born in or before 2017. |
363. |
COW, in-calf or in-milk, born in or before 1st January 2012. |
364. |
AYRSHIRE COW, with daughter |
365. |
PAIR OF FEMALES, bred by the exhibitor |
366. |
BEST MILK RECORDED ANIMAL based on Production and Inspection |
376. |
Best Inter-Breed Heifer |
S.367 |
1 |
455. |
Champion Commercial Beef exhibit |
S.470. |
3 |
17/08/2023 12:17