Event Date
21st Sep to 22nd Sep 2024

Show Description

Friday 16th August 2024 or before if entries reach capacity.
Late entries will not be accepted
Maximum of 6 stalls per exhibitor due to limited space.
Space within the cattle area is at a premium so all stalls must be used for cattle only.
Enter On-Line at www.newburyshowground.co.uk
Ground Holding Number: 02/082/8000
Head of Livestock Section: Karren Morgan-Pinn
Chief Cattle Steward: Karren Morgan-Pinn

Reception of Cattle
The Showground will be open for the reception of animals from Friday 20th September2024, 08:00 to 20:00 and Saturday 21st September 2024 06:00 to 08:00.
Animals not in the Showground by these times will be refused entry.

Notes to cattle exhibitors:
The rules and regulations as listed below must be adhered to when entering cattle in the Saturday and Sunday classes, whilst at the Show and the following documentation must accompany all cattle from the origin of each holding. You may also be asked to produce relevant documents (CH101) by Trading Standards on arrival at the Showground.

Licensing & documentation
• Cattle BCMS passport. Applies to all cattle, including calves, for Show or exhibition. The Show will electronically record all movements onto and off the Showground. Exhibitors must ensure that all previous movements are recorded. Please ensure all passports are presented to the cattle entries office on the morning of the Show by 07.00 (Saturday)
• TB certificates. In accordance with DEFRA regulations, all cattle must be pre-movement tested. Please bring a copy of the certificate with the cattle and present to the entries office on the day of the Show with the cattle passports.

Responsibilities of exhibitors and their Livestock stock attendants
1. Exhibitors or their stock attendants must always be competent and take total responsibility of their stock, whilst on the Showground. All persons in charge of exhibits will be required to parade or exhibit the animals in their charge at times as directed by the stewards of the Show. Stock attendants must be in attendance at least a quarter of an hour before the time appointed for exhibiting the animals under their charge in the Show rings. No stock attendants shall be allowed to lead more than one animal at a time in the judging rings or main ring. Exhibitors will be held responsible for the behaviour of their stock attendants and for the consequences of any misconduct.
Stock attendants entering the judging rings and the main ring must wear white coat or breed Society attire.
2. All exhibits and persons in charge of such exhibits will be subject to the Orders, Regulations and Rules of the Show. The chief steward has the power to remove from the Showground the stock or property belonging to the exhibitor who infringes any of the Regulations or Conditions of the Show, or who refuses to comply with any instructions given by the stewards, without any responsibility attaching to them in consequences of such removal.

Competence of exhibitors
3. All exhibitors must have the physical ability, relevant experience and be competent to handle the
animal in their charge at all times. Handlers must be in good health and properly trained in safe work methods (HSE - AIS35 housing and handling cattle www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/ais35). It is a condition of entry that all stock handlers, especially children, should only handle animals where they have the necessary strength and experience to cope. Children must always be under the direct supervision of and accompanied by, a competent adult at all times. No bulls to be led by stock attendants who are under the age of 18 years. All bulls to be shown with two handlers.

Animal welfare
4. Exhibitors must always observe best practice in animal welfare. Exhibitors must ensure arrangements are in place to ensure stock at the Show is always adequately monitored throughout the period of the Show including water and feed. If an exhibitor has to leave the site, the chief steward must be informed of such absences. The exhibitor must also ensure there is a clearly identified person responsible for the stock and contact details provided.

Transit of animals
5. From January 2007 Welfare in Transport Regulation (EC) no. 1/2005 will apply. Note: it will be an
offence to transport any female animal for whom 90% or more of the gestation period has already
passed or female animals that have given birth in the previous week.

6. Washing down of all lorries/trailers- please note that all vehicles depositing cattle on the same day
must be washed down before leaving the Showground. Washing facilities are provided in designated areas and only these areas must be used for washing down vehicles.

7. The Show is licensed by DEFRA in accordance with the requirements of the Animal Gatherings England Order 2010. All animal attendants are asked to co-operate by observing the bio security rules. The animal areas should be kept clean and free from faecal contamination. Attendants should wear protective clothing and footwear capable of being disinfected whilst in the animal area. When leaving the animal area, attendants should remove protective clothing, wash their hands and ensure that footwear is clean and disinfected. When Showing or attending parades, clean white coats or “breed uniforms” should be worn and suitable footwear capable of disinfection. (No trainers or sandals/crocs) Smoking by persons in charge of stock during judging or on parade is strictly prohibited.

8. Entries must be made online at www.newburyshowground.co.uk
Individual cattle classes, pair and group entries must be received not later than Friday 16th August 2024 together with the correct entry fee.

Please note: as a condition of your entry limited exhibitor information will appear in the catalogue and
on the Society’s website. For classes run under breed Society rules, your details will be verified with
the Society concerned to ensure your eligibility to enter.
Please see full details of our privacy policy on Terms and Conditions.

9. An animal may be substituted for any other in the same breed and same class only. Full written
details of all such substitutions must then be received by the entries office by the Friday evening.
Substitutions will not appear in the catalogue if received late.

10. The fees payable for cattle entries are clearly shown below. Fees will only be refunded in the event of cancellation of the Show, cattle classes, the loss of accredited status, or a DEFRA order prohibiting the exhibition of animals at the Show.
11. No entry will be accepted unless the fee accompanies it.
12. Any exhibitor withdrawing or an exhibit after the closing date of entries will not be entitled to have
any entries fees, penning or stall fees refunded.
13. Where a prize is offered for a pair or pen of animals, a single entry fee is payable.
14. Space within the cattle area is at a premium so all stalls must be used for cattle only. Kit should be stored in the appropriate areas.
15. Exhibitors should reserve stalls at £25 inc. VAT for each animal they intend to bring to the Show.
Calves at foot, three months or older, will require a stall which must be booked.
Please book adequate space for bulls. Calves at foot must be less than 12 months.
16. For all classes the entry fees are £14.00 inc. VAT. Young Handlers £2.00.
17. Exhibitors may only enter 6 animals per exhibitor and may only bring to the Show the number for
which stalls shave been booked.

Wristbands and Vehicle Passes
18. 2-day Livestock wristbands will be allocated on the following basis, please choose the option on the entry form if more are required.
Up to 2 animals entered 2 tickets
3 animals entered 3 tickets
4- 6 animals entered 4 tickets
Extra 2-day Livestock wristband £20 each
19. One vehicle pass per exhibitor, please choose the option on entry form if more are required.
Extra Livestock vehicle passes £5 each

Cancellation of classes
20. The Society has the right to cancel or amalgamate any classes, which in their opinion there are
insufficient entries. The Show reserves the right to either cancel classes or amalgamate with other
classes or breeds (any other breed classes).
21. When, after entry, an animal dies or becomes unfit for exhibition, the exhibitor will be permitted to
substitute another entry in the same class without payment of any further fee.

22. No animal shall be decorated with colours other than rosettes awarded at the current Show.

Penning of stock
23. The Show, its officers and servants, will not be liable for any errors that may happen in placing
or penning the stock or articles to be exhibited. The attendants must ensure they are placed and penned according to their entries. The Show reserves the right to limit the number of pens per exhibitor per breed.
All cattle are penned in the permanent society building.

24. Straw. The Show will provide the bedding for all stock. Fodder must be provided by the owner/
stockperson attending the animals at the Show.

Reception of animals
25. The Showground will be open for the reception of animals from 8am until 8pm on the Friday prior to
the Show and 6am until 8am on Saturday. Vehicles must be removed from the Society building area by 8:15am Saturday.

Departure of animals
26. Gates to allow loading will be opened after the end of show (5pm) Sunday.
27. Lorries/trailers will not be permitted to leave the Showground until Sunday 22 September 2024 at approximately 5.30pm unless by authorisation of a veterinary surgeon.
28. A plan is in place for the exit of all Livestock vehicles on the Sunday afternoon, this will entail letting vehicles out in batches, please follow the instructions of the stewards to allow a swift egress from the Showground. You may be exiting with public vehicles however Livestock will be given priority where possible.
29. Under no circumstances are Exhibitors allowed to walk their Livestock out of the Showground for loading. Competitors not complying with this rule will be disqualified.

Veterinary examinations
30. Where the Judges are in doubt, as to age or soundness, or where the stewards may consider it necessary, the decision of a veterinary officer in such cases shall be final and conclusive. Should the decision be against the animal to which a prize has been awarded, such animals and/or exhibitor shall be disqualified from receiving such prize.
31. Exhibitors shall be liable to pay for all drugs used by the veterinary officers in the treatment of their
animals and exhibitors should ensure they have means of payment, either by cash at the time or via card by contacting the veterinary practice. It is a condition of entry that the veterinary officers may on their own authority give such emergency treatment as they may consider appropriate if the owner or his representative cannot be found.

Animals receiving treatment
32. The owner or exhibitor of an animal entering the Showground within the withdrawal period of any
medication must provide the veterinary officer with a written declaration giving full details of the treatment their animal has received.

Diseased animals
33. Every exhibitor shall indemnify the Show against all actions, claims, proceedings and demands by
any person, company or other representative body of whatsoever nature in respect of any matter, directly or indirectly connected with the bringing onto the Showground of any animal which may have been suffering from any contagious or infectious disease or which develops such a disease whilst on the Showground and in addition the exhibitor shall pay all costs and expenses incurred by the Show in connection with any such claim. The Show’s veterinary officers are authorised to refuse permission for any animal to be admitted to, or to have removed from, the Showground any animals affected with contagious or infectious disease. The exhibitor of such animal may obtain a certificate from the Show, stating the nature of such disease or infection. Concealment of disease will render the exhibitor liable to disqualification.

34. Exhibitors are specially cautioned not to send to the show animals which are suffering from active
ringworm in any stage. Any animal found to be so affected will, on the advice of the veterinary officers, be disqualified from competition and removed from the Show.

Cows calving at Show
35. Where an animal calves prematurely or aborts it must be returned home together with all other
Show animals from the same registered premises immediately after a full range of samples has been taken.

Securing of cattle
36. All cattle must be properly secured to the satisfaction of the officers of the Show on being brought
to the gate of the Showground, or they will not be admitted. All bulls must have a ring or clamp attached to the nose and, in the aged class, must be provided with a strong chain. Bulls aged 10 months and over must be fitted with a nose ring and must be double tied in the lines. Exhibitors of bulls must also comply with Guidance Note AIS35 Issued by The Health and Safety Executive concerning the safe custody and handling of bulls at Agricultural Shows. All other cattle must be halter-led whilst in the Showground. Stock attendants are responsible for their own cattle at all times.

Parades of cattle
37. All cattle will be required to be paraded as directed by the stewards. It is especially requested
that stock attendants during judging and parades, shall wear white coats or breed uniforms and suitable footwear, capable of being disinfected, or the uniforms as specified by their breed Society.

TB pre movement testing
38. All cattle coming to the Show must have had a pre-movement test with a negative result within
60 days of the end of the Show. Failure to provide test results will mean exclusion from the Showground. Calves must be under 42 days of age when leaving the Showground to be exempt from pre-movement testing. There is no minimum age for TB testing of calves to facilitate pre- movement testing for the Show.

39. Any artificial contrivance or device of any description found on or proved to have been on any
animal at any time, either for preventing or influencing abnormally the flow of milk or for any improper practice, will be disqualify that animal from any award and the owner/exhibitor may be prohibited from exhibiting at future Shows. For the purpose of this regulation, the term “improper practice” shall be held to include setting of teats and generally any other practice, which results in the animal being Shown other than in a natural state. The Society reserves the right to have all animals inspected by the Society veterinary officer either prior to, during or after judging. Selected lactating dairy animals may be subjected to an ultrasound examination, which will be performed by the Society’s’ veterinary officer

Milking Arrangements
40. Please note there will be no milking provisions on site.

Prize Money:
Prizes (£)-unless otherwise stated in the Schedule:
Pair Classes Entries
per Class 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1 - 5 60 50 40 - - -
6 - 8 60 50 40 30 - -
9 - 11 60 50 40 30 20 -
12+ 60 50 40 30 20 10

Section Champion Prizes: 1st £100 Reserve: £60 Rosettes for Both Prizes
Young Handler Champion Prizes: 1st £30 Reserve: £15 Rosettes for Both Prizes
Supreme champion Prizes: Supreme Champion £200 Reserve Champion £125

All prize money will be paid by cash, collected at the cash point on the Showground, or return your
completed prize money vouchers to the Show Office by 31st October 2024 with bank details to be
paid direct to your bank.

Event Summary
  • Entries Close
    Fri 16 August 2024 11:59pm
  • Entry Fee
    £2.00 - £14.00
  • Location
    Priors Court Road,
    RG18 9QZ