We are pleased to give the following information for the 2022 Sheep section:
The Portland Sheep Society will be hosting the Southern Premier Show on Thursday.
We are introducing individual breed classes for Blue Texel sheep on Tuesday.
The Black Welsh Mountain classes being held on Wednesday will count towards the Black Welsh Mountain Breed Flock of the Year Competition.
The Best Pen of The Day will be awarded to the shepherd in charge of the tidiest and best presented/most informative pen.
MV/Non MV Accredited Sheep: In order to make the management of the Sheep Lines easier, the Sheep Committee have decided that only MV Accredited sheep will be allowed into the sheep marquees on Monday afternoon and Tuesday. Therefore, competitors with Non-MV Accredited sheep, competing on either Wednesday or Thursday, will not be permitted access until 7:00pm on Tuesday 26th July.
Vehicle passes will be issued for those transporting sheep and those directly associated with camping may remain. There will be no movement of vehicles after 9.00 pm (emergencies excepted). Any other associated vehicles and day exhibitors will be parked in the field adjacent to the Showground and an unloading/loading system will be in place directed by our stewards.
Please contact the show directly for any enquiries - Livestock Secretary - jenny@newforestshow.co.uk