Sheep - Ringside Sheep

Class Number Entries Started At
Under 10 Years on the day of the show 100 29
5 and Under on the day of the show 99 20
10 - 16 Years of Age 101 28
Champion Blue Texel Z15 11
Champion Beltex Z14 11
Champion Charollais S7 6
Champion Texel S4 6
Best Texel Ram Lamb S5 1
Champion Coloured Sheep Z4 6
Champion Any Other Continental S23 6
Champion Any Other Native Z5 12
Older RAM 148
RAM Shearling 149
Older EWE 151
EWE Shearling 152
Champion Bluefaced Leicester Z6 5
Champion Coloured Ryeland Z7 6
Champion Devon Closewool S19 6
Champion Devon & Cornwall Longwool S8 6
Champion Poll Dorset S18 6
Champion Exmoor Horn Z8 6
Champion Greyface Dartmoor S22 6
RAM LAMB - untrimmed 193 4
Champion Hampshire Down S6 5
Champion Jacob S3 6
Champion Lleyn Z9 6
Champion Primitive and Rare Breed Z10 17
Champion Ryeland Z11 5
Champion Shetland S20 6
Champion Suffolk S2 12
Champion Female Suffolk S15 4
Champion White Face Dartmoor Z13 6
Champion Zwartble Z12 6
Champion Native Longwool S1 36
Pair of Crossbred Ewes 246 2
Pair of Butcher's Lambs 247 5
Short and Fine Wool 248 12
Medium Wool 249 7
Lustre & Longwool 250 8
Jacob & Other Coloured 251 6
Shetland 252 5
Longwool Fleece - Any Longwool Breed including Scottish Blackface 253 2
Supreme Interbreed Sheep Championship S11 44
Medium Type Fleece 254 7
Shetland Fleece (rued fleece acceptable) 255 6
Fine Wool Fleece & White Shetland 256 4
Any Coloured fleece Other than Shetland who have their own class 257 10
Champion Fleece S24 10