Event Date
22nd Jul 2023

Show Description

An Award of £30 will be made for the Best Exhibitor's Area and Best
Presented Livestock within the Sheep lines
Senior Steward : Tom Chanin
1) Sheep Scab - Exhibitors must comply with SAC sheep scab regulations in force at the time
2) Maedi Visna - Entries for non-scheme flocks will be accepted. Exhibitors with Accredited flocks must bring their papers for verification on arrival. Separate pen areas allocated.
3) Docking - Current legislation requires that lambs must have sufficient tail retained to cover the vulva of female sheep and the anus of the male sheep. Sheep will be inspected in the lines by the Show's Veterinary Officers
4) All sheep in breed classes must be eligible for registration in the Breed Society Flock Book
It is a condition of entry that exhibitors ensure that handlers must only lead animals where they have the necessary strength and experience to cope with foreseeable problems.
All Champion and Reserve Champion animals must enter the Grand Parade.
Any class within a breed, having less than 5 entries could be amalgamated with another class within that breed.
If 15 or more entries are forward a class may be split.
Classes may be cancelled if insufficient entries.
Exhibitors will be notified of the position in time to allow them to withdraw, if they so wish.
Entry Fees: £6 per class. Pen hire £2 each - limited to 5 pens per exhibitor
Prize Money : 1st £15, 2nd £10, 3rd £5, 4th (given in the event of there being at least 10 entries in the class) £3, Rosettes to 5th place in all classes. If 12 or more entries Rosettes to 6th place.
In addition Champion and Reserve Champion Rosette in each section.
Young Handlers judging to commence at 9.00 a.m. followed by Breed and Other Sections at 9.45 a.m.
Interbreed Sheep then Wool on the Hoof, Fleece Classes at 11.00 a.m.
Prize Money will be forfeited if not present at the Parade
Please include the year of birth of the sheep on the entry form
Please state breed of sheep if entering: Primitive and Rare Breed, Any Other Native, Any Other Continental and Any Other Coloured Sheep


Up to 3 animals - 2 tickets
4 or 5 animals - 3 tickets
6 or more animals - 4 tickets

Event Summary
  • Entries Close
    Sun 11 June 2023 11:59pm
  • Entry Fee
    £0.00 - £6.00
  • Location
    EX16 7PP