Farm Produce, Fleeces & Eggs - Ringside Farm Produce Tent

Class Number Entries Started At
6kgs of conventional Silage 600
Three new laid Hens' Eggs (white or cream) 615 1
The Best Long Wool Fleece (shown rolled). 612
6kgs of whole crop Silage 601
Three new laid Hens' Eggs (brown) 616 1
The Best Short Wool Fleece (shown rolled). 613
The Best Coloured Wool Fleece (shown rolled). 614
Four stalks of Maize. 602
Three new laid Hens' Eggs (Any other colour) 617
Four cobs of Maize. 603
One new laid Hens Egg (white or cream) 618 1
2kgs of 2024 Barley Straw 604 1
One new laid Hens Egg (brown) 619 1
One new laid Hens Egg (Any other colour) 620
2kgs of 2024 Wheat Straw. 605 1
2kgs of 2024 Seed Hay. 606 1
Contents of one Hens' Egg 621 2
Three Ducks' Eggs 622
2kgs of 2024 Meadow Hay. 607 1
Three Bantams' Eggs 623
Wheat (feed). 608 1
Three Eggs, any other breed (Turkey, Guinea Fowl etc). 624
Wheat (potential milling). 609 1
One Duck Egg 625
Barley (feed). 610 1
One Bantam Egg 626
Barley (potential malting). 611 1
One Egg, any other breed (Turkey, Guinea Fowl etc.) 627
Best Caption photograph featuring poultry 628
Egg Championship FP1