Kent County Agricultural Society Logo

Kent County Show 2025

Event Date
4th Jul to 6th Jul 2025

Festival of Food

Situated on our prime avenue, is our dedicated food market area. Each stand is situated in a 3m x 3m shedded bay. Please note there will be no divide between exhibitors, electricity connections in this area are cheaper due to the close proximity of the electricity supply.

Festival of Food - 3m frontage x 3m deep (Purchases open on 10/11/2024 at 08:30)

3m x 3m -9 tickets allocated

Deposit Cost
£276.00 Including VAT
Total Cost
£552.00 Including VAT

Festival of Food - 6m frontage x 3m deep (Purchases open on 10/11/2024 at 08:30)

6m x 3m- 9 tickets allocated

Deposit Cost
£579.00 Including VAT
Total Cost
£1,158.00 Including VAT