Dog Show - Ringside Game Fair Ring

Class Number Entries Started At
Any variety puppy (6-12 months), dog. 525 2
Any variety sporting dog (terriers). 526
Any variety sporting dog (gundogs). 527 1
Any variety non-sporting dog (any other breed). 528
Any variety Veteran Dog or Bitch (over 7yrs) 529
Any variety open dog or bitch 530 1
Junior Handlers Class (Under 18yrs of age and dog owned by exhibitor or the exhibitor’s parents.) 531
Pedigree Dog Championship CH90
Any mixed breed pet dog 535
Any variety dog with the most appealing eyes. 536
Dog with the waggiest tail. 537
Dog in best condition. 538 1
Best six legs. 539
Dog the Judge would most like to take home. 540 1