Please Note: The gate opening times have changed to the following times: Thursday 15th May 5.30am until 8pm, Friday 16th May 6am until 8pm and 17th May 6am until 8pm.
Your tickets and passes will be sent via email, please keep a look out for them and let us know any problems as soon as possible.
We very much look forward to seeing you at the show.
PATRON: His Majesty The King
PRESIDENT: HRH The Princess Royal
Miss Mercedes Pemberton-Finch
01392 353708
Equine Showing - 7th April 2025
Westpoint - Clyst St Mary - Exeter - EX5 1DJ
A Company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales No 1927330
Registered Charity No 292897
Provisional Programme of Judging
Please Note these are subject to change depending on entry numbers
Thursday 15th May Timetable
All timings are provisional and DCAA reserves the right to amend or cancel as necessary.
Time Judging of/Event
07:00 Ridden Hunter Classes - Local, Lightweight, Small, Middleweight, Heavyweight & Champion Ridden, f/b Amateur Ridden Hunter, f/b Ladies Hunters.
12:00 Parade of Hounds
12:20 Show Jumping - Class 1 Accumulator
f/b Show Jumping - Class 2 1.45m Open
15:00 Meirion Owen Sheep Dog Display
15:30 Driven Heavy Horse of the Year Championship
16:05 Heavy Horse Display
16:45 Vintage Tractor Display
17.30 YFC
18:30 Close
Time Judging of/Events Ring Area
07:30 Arabs In Hand A
08:00 Ridden Hacks B
f/b Amateur Ridden Hacks B
10:00 Riding Horse Ridden B
f/b Amateur Riding Hose Ridden B
10:00 Ridden Pure Bred Arabs A
f/b Ridden Anglo and Part Bred Arabs A
12:00 Four Year Old Hunters A
n/b12:00 Ladies Show Horse B
f/b Ridden Cobs
f/b Maxi Cobs
f/b Amateur Ridden Cobs
f/b Amateur Championship
f/b Build Working Hunter Course
f/b Working Hunter
f/b Working Show Horse
Time Judging of/Event
08:00 Hunter Breeding
f/b Irish Draught Youngstock
nb 11:00 Hack Breeding
nb 12:00 Riding Horse Breeding
nb 13.15 Sports Horse Breeding
nb14:30 Veterans In Hand
f/b Veterans Ridden
Key: f/b followed by, n/b not before, A or B denotes a divided ring
Friday 16th May Timetable
All timings are provisional and DCAA reserves the right to amend or cancel as necessary.
Time Judging of/Event Ring Area
07:30* Geerings Print Ltd Dales, Fell, Highland (In Hand) C
f/b Connemara (In Hand)
f/b New Forest (In Hand)
07:45* Bonhay & Eagle Property Co Ltd Dartmoor Ponies In Hand A
08:00* Heavy Horses In Hand B
08:30* Rosettes Direct Exmoor Ponies In Hand D
10:00 Osborne Refrigerators Double Harness Scurry - Small
10:20 Jamie Squibb (Freestyle FMX Show)
11:05 Parade of Hounds
11.25 Show Jumping - Class 3 International Stairway
f/b Show Jumping - Class 4 1.30m Open
14.30 Jamie Squibb (Freestyle FMX Show)
15:10 Osborne Refrigerators Double Harness Scurry - Large
15:30 Grand Livestock Parade
16.20 Heavy Horse Display
17.00 Inter Hunt Relay preceded by Horn Blowing & Turn Out in Collecting Ring
18:30 Close
Time Judging of/Event Ring Area
08:00 Welsh Section C In Hand f/b Ridden A
f/b Welsh Section D In Hand f/b Ridden A
08:00 Skewbalds and Piebalds In Hand B
11:30 Connemara Ridden B
f/b New Forest Ridden B
11:30 Dales, Fell, Highland Ridden A
12.30 Dartmoor Ponies Ridden A
12.30 Exmoor Ponies Ridden B
n/b13:15 British Ridden Heavy Horse
n/b 14:15 Skewbalds and Piebalds Ridden
Time Judging of/Event
08:00 Welsh Section A In Hand f/b Ridden
f/b Welsh Section B In Hand f/b Ridden
f/b Welsh Part Bred In Hand f/b Ridden
14:30 Welsh Ridden Championship
Key: f/b followed by, n/b not before, A/B/C/D denotes a divided ring
Time Judging of/Event
13:00 Heavy Horse in Show Harness
15:40 Heavy Horse Turn Out
Saturday 17th May Timetable
All timings are provisional and DCAA reserves the right to amend or cancel as necessary.
Time Judging of/Event
7:30 Show Jumping - Class 5 1.30m Open (Devon, Cornwall, Somerset & Dorset)
f/b Show Jumping - Class 6 BS SW Mini Major Showjumping
f/b Show Jumping - Class 7 Area Trial
11.30 Jamie Squibb (Freestyle FMX Show)
12.15 Osborne Refrigerators Double Harness Scurry Championship
12.45 Parade of Hounds
13.00 Mascot Race
13:35 Vintage Tractors and Steam
14:15 Jamie Squibb (Freestyle FMX Show)
15:00 Grand Parade of Livestock
16:00 Heavy Horse Display
16:45 Pony Club Games
17:45 The City of Exeter Band & Pipers
18:00 Close of Show
Time Judging of/Event Ring Area
07:00 M&M Working Hunter Ponies
08:30 Miniature Shetland Ponies In Hand B
08:30 Standard Shetland Ponies In Hand C
08:30 Show Hunter Ponies A
10:30 Riding Pony Breeding A
11.00 Former Racehorses In Hand B
11:45 Former Racehorse Ridden C
11:45 Part Bred Pony B
n/b13:00 Supreme In Hand Championship Qualifier
f/b Former Racehorse Challenge
Time Judging of/Event
07:00 Miniature Horses
f/b HOYS Miniature Horses
09:45 Show Ponies
n/b 11:15 Intermediate Show Riding Type
n/b 12:00 Mountain & Moorland Leading Rein
f/b Mountain & Moorland First Ridden
f/b Mountain & Moorland Mini Championship
n/b 13:30 Shetland Ponies Ridden
n/b 14:15 Equine Young Handler
n/b 14:45 Children's Leading Rein Ponies
f/b Children's First Ridden Ponies
f/b Leading Rein Pony of Hunter Type
Key: f/b followed by, n/b not before, A/B/C/D denotes a divided ring
Breed Society Directory
The Association reserves the right to refuse any entry that is not registered to the appropriate Society for the classes entered. Any fees paid will be forfeited. All registration numbers must be stated on the entry form.
Arab Horse Society -
British Driving Society -
British Show Horse Association -
British Showjumping -
British Show Pony Society -
Dartmoor Pony Society -
British Connemara Pony Society -
Exmoor Pony Society -
National Pony Society -
Retraining of Racehorses -
Shetland Pony Stud Book Society -
Shire Horse Society -
Sports Horse Breeding of Great Britain -
Welsh Pony & Cob Society -
Veteran Horse Society -
Irish Draught Horse Society –
Day Ticket and Qualifier Information
Day Ticket and Qualifier Information
Sports Horse Breeding of Great Britain
Day Ticket is £42, this entitles competitors to compete at a maximum of two shows in the year at £42 per show. It covers owner and rider membership, together with horse registration for that show. If the class is a qualifying class for RIHS in order for the qualification to be valid, application for full owner/rider membership and horse registration must be received in the SHB(GB) office within 14 days.
British Show Horse Association
Non members may purchase up to a maximum of two day tickets and two show tickets per exhibitor, per horse, per person, per season. A Day Ticket will allow entry into Novice, Amateur, Young Rider, Home Produced, Working, In Hand and Open affiliated classes only, but will not allow entry into RIHS or HOYS qualifying classes except TIHS Amateur Classes and RIHS Working Show Horse Class). A Show Ticket has the same criteria and covers all days of a Show running for longer that one day. Horse registered on a Day Ticket/show ticket do not require a JMB height certificate. Competitors can apply for a Day/show Ticket online or by downloading an application form from
Sports Horse Breeding of Great Britain £100 Premium
Brood Mare Premiums The Society offers Brood Mare Premiums at selected affiliated shows, but premiums will only be awarded if there are a minimum of three mares forward per class. The premium takes the form of a Service Voucher, the value of which is to be determined from time to time by the Society, awarded at the Judge's discretion to their selection from the monetary prize winners, to be used towards the cost of covering the mare by any SHB (GB) Graded Stallion or Life Approved Premium Stallion that is properly registered for the year of covering. The Service Voucher may be used in either of the two years following the year of that award. The owner must be, or become, a fully paid up member of SHB (GB) in order to be eligible for the award and the mare needs to be registered with SHB(GB). No mare shall take more than one award per year. NOTE: Grade I and II mares are eligible to be transferred into the SHB(GB) Stud Book.
The Langaller Farm Broodmare Premium Award
Rosette and £75 voucher will be awarded to the highest placed Broodmare in classes 711, 713, 725, 743 and 748. Redeemable against any stud fee for a stallion standing at Langaller Farm during the current or following stud season. Only one award per mare per season. Where the winning mare has already won a voucher in the current year, the award goes to the next highest placed eligible mare.
BSPS Challenge
This show is a qualifier for the BSPS C Rogers Truck Services Ltd Challenge. Animals will qualify by competing in an appropriate open class - leading rein, first ridden, leading rein of hunter type, open show pony, show hunter pony, cradle and nursery stakes, working hunter pony, intermediates, heritage leading rein, heritage first ridden, heritage ridden and heritage working hunter pony.
Ponies must not have qualified for 2025 Horse of the Year Show. If a pony qualifies for the Horse of the Year Show it will forfeit its qualification into the Challenge.
All ponies must be registered with the BSPS and registration numbers stated on the entry forms to compete is classes with RIHS and Blue Riband Qualification.
IDHS (GB) £2000 Ridden Challenge:
This show is a qualifier for the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) £2,000 Ridden Challenge. The highest placed horse (not already qualified) from each of the following classes 702,703,704,705,706,707,709,710,756,757,758, 759, 760 and 761 that is registered or eligible for registration on the Irish Draught or Irish Draught Sport Horse Register, with a minimum of 25% proven Irish Draught breeding, will qualify for the final of the IDHS (GB) £2,000 Challenge. Horses need not be registered with the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) to qualify but must be on the IDHS (GB) Registers by the time of the Championship, which will be held at the IDHS (GB) National Championship Show.
In the final, the Champion will be awarded £1,000 prize money, the Reserve Champion will be awarded £500, and 3rd to 7th inclusive will be awarded £100 each. In addition, the highest placed Purebred Irish Draught will receive a £100, and the highest placed Sport Horse will receive £50.
A horse may only qualify for the final once, regardless of the type or number of classes won, placed in or entered. Qualifiers will be contacted by a member of the IDHS(GB) Show Team.
Data Protection Statements
Horse of Year Show Qualifiers
These classes are horse of the Year Show Qualifiers, all data given upon entry to these classes is provided to Grandstand Media Limited and stored on the Grandstand Entries System. For full policy details please visit or
Welsh Pony & Cob Society
Your personal data - Exhibitor you will need to provide the WPCS with certain personal information relating to you. Your privacy is extremely important to WPCS, so we want you to know exactly how we will use that personal information. Our full privacy notice setting out detailed information about matters such as what personal information we use, for what purpose we use it, what our legal basis for doing so is and who we share your personal information with, can be viewed at If you would prefer to see a hard copy of our privacy notice, please ask a member of WPCS staff to provide you with the same.
b). A person is an Amateur for the purpose of classes run under Association Rules if he/she does not, during the current or previous season:
• Engage in breeding, livery, buying, selling, dealing, or hiring horses in a commercial capacity, or as means of deriving a source of income.
• Receive remuneration, whether it be monetary or goods in kind, for employment in the connection with horses in racing, showing, livery stable or riding school (instruction at Pony Club and Riding Club excepted). This does not include the suppliers of ancillary services such as farriers and vets.
• Own/Part own an equestrian establishment including but not limited to; riding schools, events centre, stud, or livery yard in any capacity, or receive any form of remuneration for employment at an equestrian establishment. For the avoidance of doubt for the purpose of this rule, immediate family members of an owner or part owner of an equestrian establishment who work or are howsoever otherwise engaged or involved in any capacity, whether or not for remuneration at the equestrian establishment, will be treated as being an owner or part owner of that equestrian establishment.
• Show a Horse owned or sponsored by a company or a commercial firm, or act as a Brand Ambassador, in any showing classes, SHB(GB) or otherwise, or a Horse for which his/her immediate family accepts livery or training charges from a person outside the immediate family concerned.
a). If you ride/compete equines on a regular basis, which you do not stable at home, your Amateur status will be reviewed by the Board/Council, i.e., if you ride/compete multiple equines or ride regularly for one or more owners, you could be deemed professional.
b). A competitor is not eligible to compete in Amateur classes on an Exhibit, which has been ridden by a Professional Rider in ANY class, SHB(GB) or otherwise, with the exception of Working classes, Side Saddle classes AND Novice classes, during the current year and the following year, up to but not including the Royal International Horse Show.
c). (The above Rule (b) does not apply, if the Horse has been Professionally Produced and ONLY ridden by a Professional, during the current season, or if the horse has subsequently been sold and re-registered under new Ownership).
d). On the day when an Exhibit is competing in Amateur classes, Professionals, including Professional Grooms, are not allowed to ride, to work-in (in any form), compete, or enter the Ring to groom/strip the Horse.
e). No commercial branding can be visible in the ring, during Amateur classes (including Amateur Home Produced), this applies to equines, riders and any attendees; this also includes outside the ring, or online
i.e. on social media.
f). We may require a statement of your eligibility to compete in Home Produced classes.
Amateur Hack, Amateur Cob, Amateur Riding Horse and Amateur Maxi Cob classes are qualifiers for the Amateur Championships at The Royal International Horse Show. The highest placed unqualified horse in each section in each class in the Hack, Cob and Riding Horse classes will qualify for the RIHS Amateur final, with the two highest placed unqualified horses qualifying in the Maxi Cob class. The BSHA offer a Champion rosette to be awarded in the separate Amateur Championship. Please refer to rule 6 A-C in the 2025 BSHA Rulebook. The Amateur qualifying classes may be entered on a day ticket, but appropriate membership and horse registration must be applied for within 14 days of the qualifier in order to confirm qualification. Competitors qualifying at this show for the Longines Royal International Horse must submit their entries ONLINE at:
Eligibility Criteria for Irish Draught Classes
Pure Bred Irish Draught:
Owners of Pure Bred Irish Draught horses must be full members of the IDHS (GB) and the horses:
· Must be registered with or overstamped by the IDHS (GB) and in the correct ownership.
· Must be the progeny of a Graded Mare (Class 1, Class 2, RID (GB), AID or Supplementary Grade Up Register) and be by a Class 1, 2 or RID (GB) stallion on the Irish Draught Breed Register.
· Ridden horses must be 153cm (15hh) or over
· Stallions - must also be inspected and overstamped by the IDHS (GB) and be Class 1, 2 or RID (GB). Ridden stallions must display a red, white and blue ribbon in their tails and riders must be 18 years of age or over
· In hand - Yearling, two and three year old COLTS must be bitted and shown by an experienced handler of 18 years of age or over. All three year old colts must be un-inspected
Irish Draught Sport Horses:
Owners of Irish Draught Sport Horses do not have to be members of the IDHS (GB) but the horses:
· Must have a minimum of 25% proven Irish Draught breeding and be registered on the IDHS (GB) Irish Draught Sport Horse Register or overstamped by IDHS (GB). They must be in the correct ownership
· Ridden horses must be 153cm (15hh) or over
· Stallions must display a red, white and blue ribbon in their tails and riders must be 18 years of age or over.
· In hand - Yearling, two and three year old COLTS must be bitted and shown by an experienced handler of 18 years of age or over
The Worshipful Company of Farriers Best Shod Horse Awards:
A competition sponsored by the Worshipful Company of Farriers, for the Best Shod Horse/Pony in the relevant classes.
The Judge will examine each horse/pony before or during the line-up for preliminary judging, taking into consideration; (a) The condition of the feet (b) The making (or preparation) and fitting of the shoes (c) The Nailing and the position of the clips.
Normal shoes and showing plates are equally acceptable, providing they are suitable for the horse/pony.
The Worshipful Company of Farriers will award:
• A Rosette and an Inscribed Card to the Winner in each Class
• A brass plaque to the overall winner
• A brass plaque to the Registered Farrier responsible for its feet and shoeing.
Kindly sponsored by All 4 Wood Tree Services
To be held on SUNDAY 21st SEPTEMBER 2025 at the Turnpike Showground
1. Qualifiers must be from Recognised Heavy Horse Breeds of any age; Stallions, Colts, Mares, Fillies and Geldings.
2. (a) The In-Hand Qualifier must be the Show Champion of the day. If the Champion is already qualified at a previous Qualifier Show then the Qualifier position can go down the line to 4th place, at the Judge’s discretion. If the top 4 horses have already qualified then no Qualifier can be awarded.
(b) The Show Harness and/or Decorated Harness Qualifier must be the highest placed on the day, down to 4th position at the Judge’s discretion.
3. If a Qualifier is subsequently unable to attend the Championships on 21st September at the Turnpike Showground (between Shaftesbury and Gillingham in North Dorset) then the Championship Secretary must be notified no later than 8th September 2025. The Qualification can then be passed to the next eligible horse.
Each horse that qualifies will receive a Qualifier rosette.
EACH CHAMPION: Prize Money, Sash and Rosette
EACH RESERVE CHAMPION: Prize money, Sash and Rosette.
If exhibitors have any queries, please contact the West of England Heavy Horse Championship Secretary, Erica Macey-Bracken at The School House, Cranborne Middle School, Damerham Road, Cranborne, Dorset BH21 5RP. Mobile: 07958 921089 Email:
Horses qualifying for the Championship and others from the same stables may enter and take part in the Wessex Heavy Horse Society`s Annual Show on the same day. Schedules are available from the Championship Secretary at the address above. Overnight/day stabling will be available at the Show.
Stables are available from Wednesday 14th May priced per stable as follows:
Light Horse and Showjumping stables
1 Night - £65.00
2 Nights - £100.00
3 Nights - £115.00
Heavy Horse Stables
1 Night - £85
2 Nights - £100
3 Nights - £115
Straw Will Be Provided.