Horses - Ringside Ring C

Class Number Entries Started At
SMALL MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND PONY, filly or gelding, yearling to 3 years old 20 5 12/08/2023 11:49
LARGE MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND PONY, filly or gelding, yearling to 3 years old. 21 5 12/08/2023 11:49
SMALL MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND PONY, mare or gelding (including mares with foals), 4 years old & over. 22 3 12/08/2023 11:49
LARGE MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND PONY, mare or gelding (including mares with foals), 4 years old & over 23 12 12/08/2023 11:49
LEAD REIN SMALL MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND PONY, mare or gelding, to be shown mounted 24 6 12/08/2023 11:49
MOUNTAIN AND MOORLAND OPEN FIRST RIDDEN, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over 25 2 12/08/2023 11:49
SMALL MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND PONY, mare or gelding, to be shown mounted. No lead rein ponies. 26 1 12/08/2023 11:49
LARGE MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND PONY, mare or gelding, to be shown mounted 27 7 12/08/2023 11:49
Best Mountain & Moorland Pony. 1st place in each class to be judged, C7 8 12/08/2023 11:49