Show Description

1 The object of the Society is to improve the breeding of Horses, Cattle, Sheep generally, also horsemanship & stock handling. Prizes will be given under the following conditions.
2 All objections to be made in writing & lodged with the Secretary. The objections must be made within 30 minutes of the end of the class with a deposit of £30.00, which will be forfeited should the objection not be upheld.
3 All disputes to be settled by the Committee, whose decisions will be final.
4 The Show to commence at 9.00am prompt.
5 If, in the opinion of the judges, the exhibits in any class are of insufficient merit, the Committee reserves the right to withhold the whole or any of the prizes.
6 All entries must be accompanied by entry & first aid fees, closing date 12th May 2024. Proof of exhibit entry will be required to enter the showfield, either by printed document or electronic device, Numbers to be collected on the day from the Secretary’s office.
7 The rules of an affiliated society will apply where required under the conditions of affiliation.
8 Correctly secured Skull Caps/ Riding Hats that meet current Safety Standards, as directed by breed & affiliated societies MUST be always worn by riders when mounted.
9 The classes will be judged in the order in which they appear in the Catalogue, but if considered necessary this order may be changed, & the exhibits not brought into the ring immediately on being called by the Stewards will be disqualified.
10 Perpetual Trophies to be held by the winner under a guarantee for 11 months, & thereafter returned undamaged & polished to the Secretary at least a month before show day, in the in event of its loss the winner will reimburse the value of the trophy to the Society.
11 All Championship Trophies will be presented following the Supreme Championship judging. The committee reserves the right to withhold any trophies should the Champion not take part in the Supreme Championship event.
12 All animals will be considered & treated as being in the sole charge of the exhibitors, or their servants, during the whole time they are on the show field, & the show committee will not be responsible for any loss, damage or injury arising from accidents or other causes.
13 All Stallions four years old & over must hold a current licence & handled by a person 16 years old & over. Foals to be at least three weeks old & over on show day.
14 If there are fewer than 3 exhibits in any of the Horse/Pony classes then that class could be amalgamated at the Committee’s discretion.
15 In Horse/Pony classes prizes will be allocated as follows:- 2 entries in class – 1st prize only, 4 entries – 1st & 2nd prizes, 5 entries – 1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes.
16 Cattle & Sheep entries will be taken on the day, they may also be pre-entered.
17 Only the driver of stock carrying vehicles in the cattle & sheep sections will be admitted free of charge. All other passengers must pay the full entrance charge.
18 For further information or queries please contact the secretary, Under all circumstances the Committee’s decisions will be enforced & final.
19 Under no circumstances are financial collections to me made on the field.
20 The committee will not be responsible for any error which may appear in the Schedule/Catalogue or any entry made in the wrong class. Numbers must be worn & be clearly visible. All exhibitors MUST ensure that they wear the correct number for the exhibit in hand, failure to do so may result in incorrect results being reported.
21 The Committee reserves the right to amend the rules at any time.

Event Summary
  • Entries Close
    Wed 22 May 2024 11:59pm
  • Entry Fee
    £0.00 - £2.00
  • Location
    The Showground,
    Cothi Bridge,
    SA32 7NA