Sheep - Ringside Sheep Section

Class Number Entries Started At
Pure Bred Ewe Lamb 71 1
Pure Bred Ewe Lamb 89 3
Pair of 2 Tooth Cross Bred Ewes 109 6
Ram of any age 52
Pure Bred Ewe Lamb 65 1
Pure Bred Ewe Lamb 101
Pure Bred Ewe Lamb 83
Pure Bred Ewe Lamb 95 2
Ram of any age 45 3
Pure Bred Ewe Lamb 59 4
Pure Bred Ewe Lamb 77 1
Ram Lamb 46 3
Ewe any age 72 4
Ewe any age 96 2
Ewe any age 66 4
Ewe any age 102 2
Ewe any age 78 2
Ewe any age 60 1
Ewe any age 84
Ram Lamb 53
Pair of Older Cross Bred Ewes 110 2
Ewe any age 90 3
Ram Lamb- born after 01-12-2022 79 1
Ram Lamb- born after 01-12-2022 85
Ram Lamb- born after 01-12-2022 97 1
Pure Bred Ram- Born before 31-12-2022 73 3
Ram Lamb- born after 01-12-2022 91 3
Ewe born in 2020 47 3
Ram Lamb- born after 01-12-2022 67 1
Ram Lamb- born after 01-12-2022 61 2
Ram Lamb - (born in the year of the Show) 103
Pair of Cross Bred Ewe Lambs 111 4
A Shearling Ewe (all shearlings must be shorn in year of Show) 54 2
Ram of any age 104 1
Ewe born prior to 2022 48 3
Ram of any age 92 3
Ram of any age 86
An Elder Ewe 55
Ram of any age 98 1
Ram of any age 80 2
Ram of any age 62 1
Ram of any age 68 2
Pure Bred Ram Lamb born in the year of the Show 74 1
Group of 3, One of opposite sex 105 1
Group of 3, One of opposite sex 81 1
Group of 3, One of opposite sex 93 1
Group of 3, One of opposite sex 99 1
Group of 3, One of opposite sex 87
Ewe Lamb born in year of Show 49 3
Ewe Lamb born after September 1st 2022 56
Group of 3, One of opposite sex 63 1
Group of 3, One of opposite sex 69 3
Group of 3, One of opposite sex 75 1
Native Breeds Uplands ChS4
Pure Bred Suffolks ChS5
Zwartble ChS9
Native Breeds Lowland ChS3
Continental Breeds including Beltex ChS6
Continental Breeds- Charollais ChS7
Group of 3, one of the opposite sex. (one of which must be bred by exhibitor) 57
Continental Breeds- Texel ChS8
Jacob Sheep ChS10
Group of Three, One of the opposite sex 50 2
Devon and Cornwall Longwools ChS1
Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset ChS2
Pair of Closewool cross Bred Butchers Lamb 113 3
Camelford YFC Butchers Lamb 114 3
Any Other YFC Butchers Lamb 115
Over 3 years and under 7 years on 1st January in current year 117 3
Over 7 years and 12 years and under on 1st January in current year 118 5
13 years and over from1st January in current year (but not to have reached 18th birthday) 119
Young Stockmans Championship ChYH1
Best Local Sheep 107 10