Horses - Ringside Ring 6. Shetlands and Miniature Horses

Class Number Entries Started At
Yearling in Hand 196 2
2 or 3 year olds in Hand 197
Four year old and over in Hand 198 3
Best Gelding-Open 199 1
Miniature Shetlands Championship ChH15
2 or 3 year olds in Hand 201 1
Best Gelding-Open 203 1
Four year old and over in Hand 202 2
Yearling in Hand 200
Standard Shetlands Championship ChH16
Best Mare or Gelding 1, 2 or 3 year old 225 1
Best Mare or Gelding 4 years and over 226
Best Stallion. (Handler 14yrs and over) 227
Best Coloured/Spotted 228 1
Miniature Horse Championship ChH17