Event Date
18th May 2025

Ridden Palomino & Cream Dilutes Classes - Newcomers & Novice Classes

All animals must be 4 years old and over to compete in a ridden class All highest placed junior riders to receive a special rosette and compete in the Junior Championship - RIDERS TO WEAR A WHITE ARMBAND. (Junior rider not to have attained their 18th Birthday by 1st Jan 2025).
All highest places cream Dilutes (to exclude palominos) to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship.
All highest placed Mountain & Moorlands to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.
Start At, 18/05/2025 09:00
Ring 1
Sally Chamberlain (Judge)
Class: 1 Newcomers Ridden Palomino or Cream Dilute


Exhibiting at The BPS Spring show for the first time.
Special rosette to: Best opposite Sex to winner; Best Junior.
Highest placed Junior riders to compete in Junior Championship.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship
Highest placed Mountain & Moorland to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00
Class: 2 Novice Ridden Palomino or Cream Dilute


Novice Ridden defined as the horse/pony not having been placed 1st in any open ridden class prior to 01/01/2025. Entrants will only be asked to WALK and TROT as a group, but you can CANTER in your individual show. Lead rein allowed.
Special rosette to: Best opposite Sex to winner; Best Junior.
Highest placed Junior riders to compete in Junior Championship.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship
Highest placed Mountain & Moorland to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00
Class: 3 Young Horse Ridden Palomino or Cream Dilute


Exhibits to be 4,5 or 6 years old only.
Special rosette to: Best opposite Sex to winner; Best Junior.
Highest placed Junior riders to compete in Junior Championship.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship
Highest placed Mountain & Moorland to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00

Ridden Novice, Ridden Open Any Colour/ Breed

All animals must be 4 years old and over to compete in a ridden class
Not Before, 18/05/2025 10:30
Ring 1
Sally Chamberlain (Judge)
Class: 4 Novice Ridden ANY Colour/ Breed


Novice ridden defined as a horse/pony not having been placed 1st in any open ridden class prior to 01/01/2025. Entrants will only be asked to WALK and TROT as a group, but you may CANTER in your individual show. Lead rein allowed.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00
Class: 5 Open Ridden ANY Colour/ Breed

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00

Ridden Palomino & Cream Dilute classes - Lead Rein and First Ridden

All animals must be 4 years old and over to compete in a ridden class All highest placed junior riders to receive a special rosette and compete in the Junior Championship - RIDERS TO WEAR A WHITE ARMBAND. (Junior rider not to have attained their 18th Birthday by 1st Jan 2025).
All highest places cream Dilutes (to exclude palominos) to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship.
All highest placed Mountain & Moorlands to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.
Not Before, 18/05/2025 12:00
Ring 1
Sally Chamberlain (Judge)
Class: 6 Lead Rein Riding Palomino or Cream Dilute


Open to Geldings and mares ONLY.
Riders not to have attained their 10th birthday by 1st January 2025.
Special rosette to: Best opposite Sex to winner; Best Junior.
Highest placed Junior riders to compete in Junior Championship.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship
Highest placed Mountain & Moorland to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00
Class: 7 First Ridden Palomino or Cream Dilute


Open to Geldings and Mares ONLY.
Riders not to have attained their 12th birthday by 1st January 2025.
Special rosette to: Best opposite Sex to winner; Best Junior.
Highest placed Junior riders to compete in Junior Championship.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship
Highest placed Mountain & Moorland to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00
Class: 8 Junior Rider or Palomino or Cream Dilute


Riders not have attained their 18th Birthday by 1st January 2025.
Special rosette to: Best opposite Sex to winner; Best Junior.
Highest placed Junior riders to compete in Junior Championship.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship
Highest placed Mountain & Moorland to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00

Ridden Exceeding / Not exceeding 14.2hh - Palomino & Cream Dilute

All animals must be 4 years old and over to compete in a ridden class All highest placed junior riders to receive a special rosette and compete in the Junior Championship - RIDERS TO WEAR A WHITE ARMBAND. (Junior rider not to have attained their 18th Birthday by 1st Jan 2025).
All highest places cream Dilutes (to exclude palominos) to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship.
All highest placed Mountain & Moorlands to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.
Not Before, 18/05/2025 13:30
Ring 1
Sally Chamberlain (Judge)
Class: 9 Ridden Palomino or Cream Dilute Exceeding 14.2hh


Special rosette to: Best opposite Sex to winner; Best Junior.
Highest placed Junior riders to compete in Junior Championship.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship
Highest placed Mountain & Moorland to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00
Class: 10 Ridden Palomino or Cream Dilute Not Exceeding 14.2hh (Lead Rein Permitted)


Special rosette to: Best opposite Sex to winner; Best Junior.
Highest placed Junior riders to compete in Junior Championship.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship
Highest placed Mountain & Moorland to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00
Class: 11 Open Ridden Palomino or Cream Dilute


Special rosette to: Best opposite Sex to winner; Best Junior.
Highest placed Junior riders to compete in Junior Championship.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship
Highest placed Mountain & Moorland to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00

Palomino & Dilute Youngstock Plus Any Colour Any Breed Youngstock

In Palomino Dilute classes, the best 3 Palomino colours against the BPS colour standard will be awarded Gold, Silver & Bronze prizes and will be eligible for the Colour Championship at the end of the day. Colour awards will only be awarded to BPS registered animals shown by BPS members.
Start At, 18/05/2025 09:00
Ring 2
Natalie Hudson (Judge)
Class: 12 Yearling Palomino or Cream Dilute


Special rosette to Best Filly; Best Colt; Best Gelding.
Highest placed mountain and moorland to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship.
Highest placed yearling will qualify for The Grassendale Golden Monarch Perpetual Challenge Cup - YOUNGSTOCK OF THE YEAR, held at the National Championship's.
The Best 3 Palomino colours against the BPS colour standard will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes and be eligible for the Colour Championship at the end of the day. Colour awards are ONLY awarded to BPS registered animals shown by BPS Members.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00
Class: 13 2 & 3 Year old Palomino or Cream Dilute


Special rosette to Best Filly; Best Colt; Best Gelding.
Highest placed mountain and moorland to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship.
First and Second place, will qualify for The Grassendale Golden Monarch Perpetual Challenge Cup - YOUNGSTOCK OF THE YEAR, held at the National Championship's.
The Best 3 Palomino colours against the BPS colour standard will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes and be eligible for the Colour Championship at the end of the day. Colour awards are ONLY awarded to BPS registered animals shown by BPS Members.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00
Class: 14 In Hand Youngstock - Open to ANY Colour/ Breed


Open to ANY breed/ colour, plus registered and unregistered Palomino or Cream dilutes exhibits and member of non-members.
Open to exhibits 3 years and under.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00

In Hand Any Colour/ Breed 4years & over. M&M, Exceeding/ Not exceed 14.2hh Palomino & Cream Dilute

In Palomino Dilute classes, the best 3 Palomino colours against the BPS colour standard will be awarded Gold, Silver & Bronze prizes and will be eligible for the Colour Championship at the end of the day. Colour awards will only be awarded to BPS registered animals shown by BPS members.
Not Before, 18/05/2025 10:30
Ring 2
Natalie Hudson (Judge)
Class: 15 In hand ANY Colour/ Breed 4 Years old and over


In hand ANY Colour/ Breed 4 Years old and over

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00
Class: 16 Mountain and Moorland Small Breeds Palomino or Cream Dilute


Pure bred only. Must be registered in appropriate studbook.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship
Highest placed Mountain & Moorland to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.
The Best 3 Palomino colours against the BPS colour standard will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes and be eligible for the Colour Championship at the end of the day. Colour awards are ONLY awarded to BPS registered animals shown by BPS Members.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00
Class: 17 Mountain and Moorlands Large Breeds Palomino or Cream Dilute


Pure bred only. Must be registered in appropriate studbook.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship
Highest placed Mountain & Moorland to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.
The Best 3 Palomino colours against the BPS colour standard will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes and be eligible for the Colour Championship at the end of the day. Colour awards are ONLY awarded to BPS registered animals shown by BPS Members.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00
Class: 18 Palomino or Cream Dilute Exceeding 14.2hh


Special rosette to Best Exceeding 14.2hh
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship
Highest placed Mountain & Moorland to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.
The Best 3 Palomino colours against the BPS colour standard will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes and be eligible for the Colour Championship at the end of the day. Colour awards are ONLY awarded to BPS registered animals shown by BPS Members.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00
Class: 19 Palomino or Cream Dilute Not Exceeding 14.2hh


Yearlings not to exceed 13.3hh, Two and Three Year olds not to exceed 14hh.
Special rosette to Best Not Exceeding 12.2hh.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship
Highest placed Mountain & Moorland to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.
The Best 3 Palomino colours against the BPS colour standard will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes and be eligible for the Colour Championship at the end of the day. Colour awards are ONLY awarded to BPS registered animals shown by BPS Members.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00

In Hand Veteran/ World breed/ Open PB/ PBA/ Owner bred/ In hand newcomers Palomino & Cream Dilutes

In Palomino Dilute classes, the best 3 Palomino colours against the BPS colour standard will be awarded Gold, Silver & Bronze prizes and will be eligible for the Colour Championship at the end of the day. Colour awards will only be awarded to BPS registered animals shown by BPS members.
Not Before, 18/05/2025 12:30
Ring 2
Natalie Hudson (Judge)
Class: 20 Veteran Palomino or Cream Dilute


Open to exhibits 15 years and over.
Special Limited Edition rosettes to all competitors.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship
Highest placed Mountain & Moorland to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.
The Best 3 Palomino colours against the BPS colour standard will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes and be eligible for the Colour Championship at the end of the day. Colour awards are ONLY awarded to BPS registered animals shown by BPS Members.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00
Class: 21 World Breeds Palomino or Cream Dilute


Must be registered in World Breed Register.
Special rosette to Best 2 Year old.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship.
The Best 3 Palomino colours against the BPS colour standard will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes and be eligible for the Colour Championship at the end of the day. Colour awards are ONLY awarded to BPS registered animals shown by BPS Members.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00
Class: 22 Open Palomino or Cream Dilute


Special rosette to Best Mare; Best gelding; Best Stallion.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship
Highest placed Mountain & Moorland to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.
The Best 3 Palomino colours against the BPS colour standard will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes and be eligible for the Colour Championship at the end of the day. Colour awards are ONLY awarded to BPS registered animals shown by BPS Members.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00
Class: 23 Open Part Bred Palomino or Cream Dilute


Any part bred palomino or cream dilute is eligible.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship.
The Best 3 Palomino colours against the BPS colour standard will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes and be eligible for the Colour Championship at the end of the day. Colour awards are ONLY awarded to BPS registered animals shown by BPS Members.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00
Class: 24 Part Bred Arab Palomino or Cream Dilute


Must be registered in the appropriate Stud book.
Special rosette to Best Yearling; Best Two Year Old; Best Gelding.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship.
The Best 3 Palomino colours against the BPS colour standard will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes and be eligible for the Colour Championship at the end of the day. Colour awards are ONLY awarded to BPS registered animals shown by BPS Members.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00
Class: 25 Owner bred Palomino or Cream Dilute


Exhibits to have been bred by current owner.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship
Highest placed Mountain & Moorland to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.
The Best 3 Palomino colours against the BPS colour standard will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes and be eligible for the Colour Championship at the end of the day. Colour awards are ONLY awarded to BPS registered animals shown by BPS Members.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00
Class: 26 Newcomers Palomino or Cream Dilute


Exhibiting at the BPS Spring Show for the first time.
Highest placed Cream Dilute to compete in the Cream Dilute Championship
Highest placed Mountain & Moorland to compete in the Mountain & Moorland Championship.
The Best 3 Palomino colours against the BPS colour standard will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes and be eligible for the Colour Championship at the end of the day. Colour awards are ONLY awarded to BPS registered animals shown by BPS Members.

Advanced Entries: £13.00
Standard Entries: £18.00