Bake & Create - Ringside Bake and Create Building

Class Number Entries Started At
Dark Fruit Cake 600
Madera Cake 601
A Chocolate Sandwich Cake (filling only) 602
Plain Gingerbread 603
Marmalade Cake (recipe Provided) 604
Lemon Drizzle Cake 605
Date and Walnut Loaf 606 1
Coconut Tart 607
3 Pieces of Traybake (not oven baked) 608 1
3 Pieces of Traybake (oven baked) 609 1
3 Shortbread Biscuits 610
3 Chocolate Chip Cookies 611
3 Custard Creams 612
3 Cheese Scones 613 1
3 Fruit Scones 614 1
Loaf of Bread (any type, bread makers allowed) 615
A Green and White arrangement. An arrangement in any container 616 1
‘Kelso Show’ An Exhibit to depict the title. Space allowed width 24” x depth 24”. Height unlimited 617 1
An arrangement using Supermarket Flowers to the value of £10 or under Foliage allowed 618 1
A single Flower Stem in a vase (no accessories) 619 1
A Petite Arrangement (Larger than 4” and less then 10”) 620 1
*A Table Arrangement (candles permitted) 621
Under 30's. 3 muffins 622 2
Under 30's. 3 pieces of Traybake (baked or unbaked) 623 2
Under 30's. Gift Wrapped Parcel 624 2
Under 30's. Photograph of an Animal 625 2
Men's Class. 3 Savoury Scones 626 1
Jar of Raspberry Jam 627 1
Jar of Strawberry Jam 628 1
Jar of Jam (any fruit other than above) 629 1
Small Jar of Lemon Curd 630
Jar of Jelly (any fruit) 631
3 Hen Eggs (any colour) 632
Jar of Chutney (any variety, named) 633
3 Pieces of Fudge 634 1
3 Peppermint Creams 635
3 Truffes 636
5 Herbs in a Jar (named) 637
A Flask of Soup (named, bowl provided) 638
A Small Dish of Sandwich Filler 639
A Wedge of Quiche 640
A Small Dish of rice Salad 641
Individual Sticky Toffee Pudding 642
Individual Fruit Crumble 643
3 individual Meringue Shells 644
A Small Bottle of Homemade Gin based Alcohol (named) 645 1
A Small Bottle of Homemade Alcohol (not gin based, named) 646 1
A Knitted Garment (any yarn) 647 2
A Knitted Garment for a baby 648 2
A Knitted Toy 649
Best use of 50g of yarn 650
A Crochet Item 651
A Flower Brooch (any craft) 652
A Machine Sewn Article 653
A Lavender Bag (any craft) 654
A Gift Wrapped Parcel 655
A Handmade Card 656
A Bookmark (any craft) 657
An Article not already in the schedule 658
4 Photographs on a theme (to be shown on a card) 659
A Colour Photograph ‘The Weather’ 660
A Colour Photograph ‘Animal Snapshot’ 661 1
A Black and White Photograph 662 1
A Photograph Featuring water 663
A Humorous Photograph with a caption 664 1
Junior Section - 9-14 yrs. An Individual Pizza (no bigger than 6”) 665 1
Junior Section - 9-14 yrs. A Drawing of a Cartoon Character A4 666 1
Junior Section - 9-14 yrs. Lego Model (no Kits) (max size 12” Square) 667 1
Junior Sections - 5-8 yrs. Pitta Bread Pizza (topping only judged) 668 1
Junior Sections - 5-8 yrs. Tinfoil Model 669 1
Junior Sections - 5-8 yrs. Lego model (not kits) (max size 12” square) 670 1
Junior Sections - under 5 yrs. Edible Necklace 671
Junior Sections - under 5 yrs. A Collage using Recycled Materials A4 672
Junior Sections - under 5 yrs. A Duplo Model (max size 18” Square) 673