Poultry - Ringside Poultry Section

Class Number Entries Started At
ISA All Ireland True & Rare Bantam Breeding Pair Chicken Championship 438
Heavy Section: White Wyandotte - Male 412
Heavy Section: White Wyandotte - Female 413
Heavy Section: Rhode Island Red - Male/ Female 414
Heavy Section: Sussex - Male 415
Heavy Section: Sussex - Female 416
Heavy Section: Orpington - Male 417
Heavy Section: Orpington - Female 418
Heavy Section: Australorpe - Male 419
Heavy Section: Australorpe - Female 420
Heavy Section: Any other variety - Male 421
Heavy Section: Any other variety - Female 422
Light Section: Minorca/ Leghorn - Male 423
Light Section: Minorca/ Leghorn - Female 424
Light Section: Silkie - Male 425
Light Section: Silkie - Female 426
Light Section: Any other variety - Male 427
Light Section: Any other variety - Female 428
SPECIAL ROSETTE for best in Soft Feather Bantam Section and Reserve S149
Brown-Red/Birchen/ Black - Red - Male 408
Rare Breed Male 439
Rare Breed Female 440
Brown-Red/Birchen/ Black - Red - Female 409
SPECIAL ROSETTE for the best Rare Breed and Reserve S151
Any other colour - Male 410
Any other colour - Female 411
SPECIAL ROSETTE for best in Modern Game Bantam Section and Reserve S148
Any Variety of Waterfowl 441
Dark/Light Red - Male 399
Any variety Soft Feather - Male/Female 442
Wheaten/Partridge - Female 400
Any variety of Game - Male/Female 443
Black/ Blue - Male 401
Black/ Blue - Female 402
Pile - Male/Female 403
Creole/ Muff/ Tassell Male/Female 404
Spangle - Male/Female 405
Duckwing - Male/Female 406
Any other Colour - Male/Female 407
SPECIAL ROSETTE for best Old English Game Bantam and Reserve. Champion wins DAVY LAFFERTY TROPHY. S147
Carlisle Male 395
CHAMPIONSHIP ROSETTE for the best Bird in Show and Reserve. Champion to receive KENNEDY CUP. S152
Carlisle Female 396
Oxford Male 397
Oxford Female 398
SPECIAL ROSETTE for best in Large Old English Game Section and Reserve S146
Heavy Section: Wyandotte - Male 373
Heavy Section: Wyandotte - Female 374
Heavy Section: Rhode Island Red - Male 375
Heavy Section: Rhode Island Red - Female 376
Heavy Section: Sussex - Male 377
Heavy Section: Sussex - Female 378
Heavy Section: Maran - Male 379
Heavy Section: Maran - Female 380
Heavy Section: Orpington - Male 381
Heavy Section: Orpington - Female 382
Heavy Section: Any other variety - Male 383
Heavy Section: Any other variety - Female 384
Light Section: Minorca - Male 385
Light Section: Minorca - Female 386
Light Section: Leghorn - Male 387
Light Section: Leghorn - Female 388
Light Section: Welsummer - Male 389
Light Section: Welsummer - Female 390
Light Section: Silkie - Male 391
Light Section: Silkie - Female 392
Light Section: Any other variety - Male 393
Light Section: Any other variety - Female 394
SPECIAL ROSETTE for best in Large Soft Feather Section and Reserve S145
Heavy Section: Any variety Drake 362
Heavy Section: Any variety Duck 363
Light Section: Any variety Drake 364
Light Section: Any variety Duck 365
Indian Runners: Any other colour Drake 366
Indian Runners: Any other colour Duck 367
Calls: White - Male 368
Calls: White - Female 369
Calls: Any Other Colour - Male 370
Calls: Any Other Colour - Female 371
Geese: Any variety Goose/Gander 372
SPECIAL ROSETTE for best in Waterfowl Section and Reserve S144