Farm Produce - Ringside Farm Produce Marquee

Class Number Entries Started At
12 Heads of Wheat 1 3
Sample of Big Bale Silage 12
12 Heads of Barley 2 3
Silage Championship BCH3
12 Heads of Oats 3 2
2024 Combined Barley - 0.5kg sample 4 1
6 Stalks of Beans 5
2 Fodder Beet - Red or Orange 6
2 Fodder Beet - Any Other Colour 7
The Heaviest Root 8
6 Farmer's Potatoes (unwashed) 9
Sample of Hay, other than meadow 10 1
Sample of Hay, old or new 11 2
Grain and Roots Championship BCH1
Farm Produce Championship BCH2