Class Number Entries Started At
Any Other Breed Ram 102 6
Blue Faced Leicester Ram 96 1
Suffolk Ram 73
Texel Ram 79 2
Zwartbles Ram 90 3
Blue Texel Ram 108 5
Swaledale Ram 85
Suffolk Ram Lamb 74 10
Any Other Breed Ram Lamb 103 2
Blue Faced Leicester Ram Lamb 97 4
Zwartbles Ram Lamb 91 4
Swaledale Ram Lamb 86
Texel Ram Lamb 80 7
Blue Texel Ram Lamb 109 5
Blue Texel Ewe 110 5
Swaledale Ewe 87
Suffolk Ewe 75 6
Any Other Breed Ewe 104 2
Texel Ewe 81 3
Zwartbles Ewe 92 6
Blue Faced Leicester Ewe 98 2
Blue Texel Shearling 111 7
Any Other Breed Shearling 105 3
Blue Faced Leicester Shearling 99 3
Suffolk Shearling 76 8
Zwartbles Shearling 93 6
Texel Shearling 82 2
Swaledale Shearling 88
Blue Texel Gimmer Lamb 112 4
Any Other Breed Gimmer Lamb 106 2
Zwartbles Gimmer Lamb 94 7
Blue Faced Leicester Gimmer Lamb 100 3
Swaledale Gimmer Lamb 89
Texel Gimmer Lamb 83 6
Suffolk Gimmer Lamb 77 9
Best pair of Blue Faced Leicester Lambs 101 2
Best Pair of Zwartbles Lambs 95 2
Any Other Breed Pair of Lambs 107 1
Best Pair of Texel Lambs 84 1
Best Pair of Suffolk Lambs 78 4
Blue Texel Pair of Lambs 113 1
Young Handler Class 114 11